My Secret Weapon for Clean Shiny Windows & a Giveaway!

    Window cleaning is not real high on my list of favorite things to do.  I'm guessing it may not be too high on yours either.  How is it that windows get so dirty anyway?  I know how they get dirty outside where rain, pollen and other outside elements abound, but what about on the inside?  It's kind of a mystery.

    Recently, the good folks at Fish Foam, a Sponsor with BNOTP and experts in the science of window cleaning, offered to send some of their window cleaner so I could try it here in my home.

    Fish Foam

    I thought I'd give it a try here in the dining room.  The windows didn't look that terribly dirty, but it had been a while since they were last cleaned.  Now that I think about it, I can't remember when they were last cleaned.  Yikes.  As you can see, it was an overcast day out.

    Prior to cleaning, I noticed a few streaks/smears like the one visible below, but overall I thought the windows were fairly clean.

    I sprayed some Fish Foam on each pane and the first thing I noticed was it didn't make a beeline for the wood frame of the window like most window cleaners do.  It stayed where I sprayed it.  Cool!

    I've always disliked cleaning windows because you have to hold the cleaner the whole time, spraying one window pane at the time while trying to beat the cleaner to the bottom of the window with your other hand.  Not so with Fish Foam.  It stays put, so you can spray a bunch of panes at once, put the can down and clean away.  That makes the process easier and faster...kind of like batch cleaning.

    After I cleaned on the inside, I went outside and cleaned the other side, as well.  I was shocked by the difference when I was done.  This window that I didn't think was that dirty...well, take a look now.  Much better!  I'm not exactly sure what's in Fish Foam but whatever it is, it works.  No scrubbing or elbow grease needed.  And no stinky ammonia to take your breath away.

     Clean and streak free...awesome!

    By the way, if you love shiny, clean windows but would rather leave the cleaning to the experts, Fish Window Cleaning will do the job for you.  Visit Fish Window Cleaning and enter your zip code in the box on the left side bar to find the nearest location to your home.

    Here's a side by side comparison.  I don't think I need to tell you which side is the Before and which is the After.  I took both pics with the same camera setting, same lighting, same lens, same everything.  You would swear I had a screen on the window in the Before pic, wouldn't you?  I had no idea my windows were so dirty.  It's like they were covered with a thin layer of grime.  Yuck.  This has totally inspired me to clean all the others.  I'm going to download a new book from Audible this weekend and get cracking.

    Update:  Several folks have asked in the comments where to order Fish Foam.  Click on this picture below and it will take you to their site where you can order.

    Fish Foam

    Giveaway from Fish Foam:  3 Winners!

    Fish Foam is giving away a 3-pack set of Fish Foam to three (3) BNOTP readers.

    How to Enter: 

    1. Just leave a comment on this post to be entered.  If your comment will show as "anonymous," please be sure to leave your name/email in the comment so you can be reached if you should win.  As always, you do not have to be a blogger or have a blog to participate.

    2. For a second chance to win, "LIKE" Fish Foam on Facebook, HERE.

    3. For a third entry, "Follow" Fish Foam on Twitter,  HERE.

    4. For additional entries, share this giveaway on Twitter or Facebook.   Feel free to use the share buttons below for an easy way to share this giveaway.

    *Important:  Be sure to leave a comment for each entry since I'll be using the Inlinkz Random Number Generator to select the three winners.

    Please Note:  Due to shipping costs, this giveaway is limited to residents of the contiguous United States.   Product will ship via UPS.  Giveaway ends Monday,  February 20th at midnight.

    Best of luck to everyone!

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