Dining in the Conservatory: Welcome to the 179th Tablescape Thursday!

    Greetings!  Hope your morning is off to an awesome start.  Last night I took advantage of having Wednesday evening free (now that our tablescape party starts on Thursday morning) and I attended a large Atlanta Blogger Meetup.  This group has been meeting for several years now and I just found out about it.

    There were around 70 bloggers in attendance and it was so much fun getting to meet other bloggers in the Atlanta area.  Our speaker was John Saddington with Tentblogger.  John's enthusiasm for blogging is completely infectious and he's an entertaining and knowledgeable speaker.   Most of us had driven through intense traffic and some nasty rain to get to the meetup...totally worth it, though.  I'm looking forward to next month's meeting.  If you live in the Atlanta area and are interested in meeting other bloggers, you'll find more information about the meetups at Atlanta Bloggers.

    Tablescape Thursday:
    For this Tablescape Thursday, we've been invited to dine in the Conservatory.   Doesn't that sound wonderful?   Hope you have your passport handy because we'll be traveling to Switzerland this evening for dinner in Cornelia's beautiful home.


    Come on in...Cornelia has everything ready.


    Notice the gorgeous inlay around the apron of the table.  You can see it on the chairs, as well.  So pretty!



    Your place is right here.  Come along, have a seat and enjoy this stunning table set with antique and vintage pieces.   The beautiful, silver candlesticks are by Jezler (Switzerland).  The small crystal glasses are from a German company named Theresiental.  The wine glasses are vintage hand-cut crystal.


    The napkins are vintage Swiss broderie anglaise and date back to the 1950's.  They are from the Swiss canton of St. Gall.


    The china was made by the porcelain factory Martin in Limoges France.


    The silver cutlery is by Jezler-Switzerland. The pattern is Reed.


    The grapes are from Cornelia's garden.  They grow just outside the window of the conservatory.


    The wine glasses are vintage, hand-cut crystal.  The base of this stem is as beautiful as the glass itself!





    The butter dish covered with Chrysanthemums...


    Roses make a beautiful centerpiece.  The vase is Augarten from Austria.


    Sooo pretty.  Can you smell their sweet scent?



    There's a lovely dessert table tucked away here in the corner.


    The vase is by Meissen.  The vintage tablecloth is hand-embroidered.


    Another gorgeous floral arrangement...


    The porcelain on the dessert table is Limoges, also.  It was made by Charles Ahrenfeldt in the Montjovis district of Limoges France.  According to the mark on the back, this china dates back to between 1894-1930.

    Cornelia said, "The red mark on the back shows that it is handpainted but not by the porcelain factory but privately. Someone bought the plain china and painted it and had it burned again."


    "The pattern is a copy of the scattered Flower pattern by the Swiss porcelain factory Nyon which was producing china between 1781 and 1813."


    Such a beautiful, delicate pattern...


    Cornelia, thanks so much for having us to dinner in your beautiful conservatory!


    Looking forward to all the wonderful tables created for this Tablescape Thursday.

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    Welcome! Thanks for coming to the party!

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