Decorating for Valentine's Day: Welcome to the 160th Metamorphosis Monday!

    Valentine's Day is tomorrow.  I love that holiday.  How can you not love a day that's all about chocolate, romance and  LOVE! 

    It makes me smile when I remember bringing Valentine's Day cards to school.   If I close my eyes, I can still see all the colorful construction-paper folders we made and decorated.  They were strung along the wall where they patiently waited to be filled with sweet valentines.

    When February 14th arrived, the classroom became a little bee's nest as we scurried around carefully placing the tiny envelopes in the correct folders.  Do you remember the night before, reading the valentines and carefully choosing just the right valentine card for each friend, especially if that friend was your classroom crush?

    Oh, the excitement of opening the valentines the next day!  I always wondered what those little envelopes would hold.  Would it be candy, a message from a "secret admirer" or just a friendly valentine?  Maybe it was all those Nancy Drew books I was reading.  Whatever it was, I loved and still love the mystery and intrigue of this special day.

    This Valentine's Day, my crush is you.  Will you be my Valentine?  ♥  Check: Yes √ or  No √.  ;)

    The guest bedroom received a little Valentine's Day decorating.

    I fell in love with this cute garland from Pier 1.  It's made from a very heavy, felt type material.  At first I thought I'd just make my own...until I realized it was only $6.  I don't think I could make it for that.

    A pretty pink ribbon held the garland in place.

    Even the daffodils were excited about Valentine's Day this year, blooming a whole month early so they could lend their sweet scent to this special day.

    In case you're wondering why there's a butter dish (complete with a knife no less) there on the secretary, it will make sense in THIS post.  There really is method to my madness...well, most of the time.

    I was hoping you might be stopping by so I have a little Valentine's Day treat ready.   Love this heart shaped napkin fold.  I'll create a tutorial for it super easy to make.

    I hope all your Valentine's Day wishes come true...and then some.

    You'll find  additional Valentine's Day craft, decorating and table setting ideas under the "Holiday" category at the top of this blog.

     Happy Valentine's Day! ♥ 

    Looking forward to all the Before and Afters for this Metamorphosis Monday!

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