What a way to start my vacation…. Marcia from Sugar n Spice in the Land of Balls n Sticks and her beautiful family came out to see my son’s dirt bike race!! We didn’t cross paths until the end of the day but I am so glad that she took time out of her schedule to come. In only minutes, I can tell Marcia and her husband have to be two of the nicest people I will even come in contact with. Hopefully this is the beginning of a very long friendship!
As you can see, Marcia is just so naturally beautiful and extremely tall. In this photo she is being sweet and leaning down to my 5 foot nothing height! It had been a long day and I was a bit worry to see what I looked like in the photo. My hair looks like I have been in a wind storm! It was drizzling in the early morning and my hair started to frizz. I debated between an umbrella or a ball cap. The ball cap won!
As far as the racing, my son didn’t have much luck on his side. In a three race format, all it takes is one bad moto and it’s over. Well, in moto 2 he was in the charging to the front and got pushed up high in a corner, went down, got ran over, and had trouble restarting his bike. He finished the race hurting and without goggles. He’s okay and will be going home to prepare for nationals on his other bike.
Now to get on to the rest of our vacation!!!