Well I realized that I should give you all an update as to my son’s regional out at Texas….
He made it in and we will be heading to NATIONALS the last week of July and the first week of August.
He has one more bike to qualify on so we will be leaving for the Northeast Regional in NY on Thursday after I get out of work. Okay so I don’t work a lot, just odd jobs that pop up from time to time. I didn’t even think about the date when I volunteered to work a soccer game at the Carolina Panther Stadium. Opps! I will most likely get out of work around midnight. The Hubs and the kids will pick me up and we will be on our way. We have to leave then, and as it is, my son will probably miss his practice on Friday. That means he will have to go straight into racing on Saturday. He’s been on this track before and if they haven’t made any new or radical changes he should be fine. I know…. this is a huge race and we have a lot invested into it to go there without practice. Trust me, I’m beating myself up about it already in the event that he doesn’t qualify on his other bike.
I took my camera to Texas, but honestly, it was so darn hot that I couldn’t bring myself to lug around my BIG black camera. However, my husband found this photo and tagged me on Facebook. I happen to be with my son when the message popped up on my phone. I was looking at him and he’s the one that spotted me in the background!
I know I haven’t posted anything wonderful and great in awhile and it’s not that I have been lazy, although, I am getting to old to be driving 15 hours back home with very little sleep only to turn around in a matter of a few days and travel another 12 hours through the night to New York! But once we are in NY we will be taken some much needed Rest and Recuperation visiting with family and friends and spending a few days on the St. Lawrence River. I simply can not wait!!!
Do you see my day planner?!?!? It’s filled with errands to run, phone calls to make, and a ton of things that need to be done (and a few I things that I would much rather be doing). Is not amazing how productive one can be the few days prior to leaving on vacation?
Now next on my list is to get some lunch and replace those tacky gold door knobs in the foyer! Everyone knows how to change a door knob, right? {need a tutorial, let me know.}