Foyer Closets Makeover

    Okie dokie…. Here’s a project that I started a few weeks ago and just finished up over the weekend.   It all started when Sherwin Williams announced one of their fabulous paint sales and I got the “itch” to paint.  I looked at my daughter and asked her to help me clean out the dining room because I was going paint!  With all of her teenage sarcasm, she politely rolled her eyes and reminded me that I already had several projects going on that I need to finish first.   But what to do when you have the “itch”…..

    I figured I would sneak in a quick paint project using up some of the left over paint I already had.  I decided to tackle the two closets in the foyer.  When you see the before pixs you understand that there was nothing quick about this project.

    Yep, you read that right…. I have not one but two closets in my foyer.  One was used as a coat closet and the other has severed different functions over the years (holding Mary Kay products when I was consultant, an extra pantry in my coupon craze days, and most recently, a storage closet for some of the smaller accessory not currently being used).

    What I needed to do in order to make these closets function better is to change their order.  The accessory closet is now the coat closet and the coat closet now holds the accessories.


    See the nasty wire racks in the before photo?  I am slowly replacing each of them with solid shelving! 


    Each closet was cleaned out, painted, and organized.


    I used MDF board to create the bracket and the shelf.  The coat rod was something I had floating around, it just need to be cut down to size. 

    Now the vacuums and their attachment have a home that’s easy to get to!  *If you are in need of a vacuum I would highly recommend the  Dyson!  Not only is it the best vacuum I have ever used (and I have tried many over the years from $200 to $2000) and this is the only vacuum I will ever own!  It is worth every penny!!!  Not only is it a great product but it the customer service at Dyson is by far the best I have ever witnessed.  If only every company modeled after Dyson.  Okay, I’ll get off my soap box (for now).


    Closet #2


    I am so ashamed to even show you the before photographs.  I am not even sure how that closet got that state?  I believe when I started remodeling the foyer everything that was in the way got placed into this closet!

    Ahhhh….. look at all those lovely shelves!!!


    and what did I use all that shelving for?

    Accessory Closet


    Here is the a little photo showing me nailing up the brackets.  I’m lazy and only paint the sides that will be seen. 


    The top shelf. 

    In the before photo you will see about 4 foot of space not being used.  I was going to add one more shelf to the top but it works well this way for tall lamps and candle sticks.


    Organized and pretty.


    It’s going to be so nice to have most of my accessories in one location and easily accessible.  I still have to store larger photo frames and mirrors in the attic.  The only downside to this closet will be the lack of exercise sense I won’t be running up two flights of stairs!

    Just as I finished placing all the goodies back in the closet, my husband stated that it looks like a store.   Maybe this closet will serve as “shopping therapy”  at times when the budget is tight?!?!   

    You’re right…… PROBABLY NOT.



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