Please come on in and meet the new member of our family.
I must start by saying that I am sorry that I teased everyone with all the color options that I shared in my Photoshop collage. I really am thinking about repainting her (yes, I am going to refer to her in the female sense), but something stopped me quickly….. the approaching holidays!!
Please , please, please tell me that the majority of you decorate your homes with the holidays in mind. The color that I am thinking about painting her just wouldn’t go with my winter holiday decor. Is that silly?
So if I remember, in January, I think I might try giving her a new color.
I purchased this sweet chest of drawers at the local flea market about a month ago. From looking at the before photo you don’t see all the chips on her top and at the drawer edges. I could have fixed it and restained, but I have a lot of stained furniture in my home and really wanted to add a painted piece.
I broke down and placed my first order of chalk paint. This piece is painted in Old White.
Here is the reason that this piece took me a month to finish~
I added another top over the existing top. (see top left photo) This was way over my head and I had to have my Dad do most of the work. Two Poplar planks were glued together, then the edges were routered to marry the two tops, and then stained a dark Walnut.
I used the original knobs.
I love this unique copper emblem from the manufacture in the side of one drawer. I didn’t show a photograph of it but the drawers are dovetailed (a sign of good craftsmanship).
In this top drawer there is a divider.(bottom right photo) I don’t know much about furniture, does anyone know it’s purpose?
I was a little shocked at the size of the holes behind the knobs and that’s part the reason why I didn’t change out the knobs. The other reason is that the ones that I want to replace them with haven’t gone on sale yet. lol.
New top in it’s dark Walnut stain.
Ooh la la. My Pottery Barn mercury pumpkins!!! Love. Love. Love them.
Please ignore the awful looking floor. New floors are the next thing on my to-do list for this foyer!
Later I will share with you my thought on AS chalk paint.
PS. Doesn’t the new chest look awesome with the new foyer mirror?!?!