I’m going to share a few recent occurrences that have happened to me over the pass two days, just so you can laugh along with me. Honestly, I was not laughing while in the mist of these mishaps, but some how, now, laughing keeps me grounded.
Up first…..
I mentioned on the Amaze Me Monday party post that I made a quick trip to Kentucky over the weekend for a MX race for the boys. Now most of these dirt tracks are out in remote locations and I don’t think to much about being stranded in a field in the middle of nowhere. So when the GPS lead us off an exit and on to a gravel road, it wasn’t a big deal. I did look over to the Hubs and asked him if he saw a sign for the track before leaving the paved road….. He did answer. Not more than a few hundred feet on this road I realized this in not going to be good.
( Photos taken from my cell phone)
Do you see how narrow this road is?
In my most calm voice (anyone that knows me knows that does not even exist) I looked at my husband and remarked, “What if someone else is coming the from the opposite direction?” There isn’t any shoulder to the road, only a large drop off into a cliff. I’m not exaggerating either!
About a mile on this road (notice there isn’t a place to turn around) the road changes from gravel to sand. Wet soupy sand. The Hubs starts to speed up and I YELL, “Slowwww Down!”
He exclaims that if he slows down we’re going to be stuck!
About two miles in we find a cross road to make a 101 point turn around! With my biggest eyes (and they are huge even at unpanicing times) and whiniest voice, I say…… “I don’t want to go back on that road.” The Hubs calms my nerves and says, “I don’t want to either.”
At this point I am putting away my phone and everything else because the RV is swaying back and forth from the uneven road (if you want to call it that? more like a logging trail!) and the RV is fish tailing it from the rear, sliding in the soupy sandy muck, and all I think to do is put all objects that can become flying missiles to my head away. Really all I could envision was us rolling over and over again down the side of the mountain.
When we finally rolled back on to asphalt, everyone breathed a bit easier and started to share their stories of how freakin’ scared they were. Literally I was shaking. A million prayers have been said since Saturdays fright!
DANG YOU GPS for sending us down the wrong road!!!
I honestly don’t think I could recapture what we went through. The closest thing would be the part of the movie “RV” when Robin Williams is driving the RV by himself through the woods.
I told the kids that we just discovered the original “Wilderness Trail” that Daniel Boone blazed. The irony…. the MX track is named Daniel Boone! No lie.
Next up……
On the way home from Kentucky, the radio station said NO RAIN in sight for two days in our area.
Then yesterday afternoon I wanted to get outside to put my deck furniture back in order (had to take every thing down for the roofers) when the clouds started to get a dark shade of gray. So I called my neighbor, my mom, to discuss the weather. As I am talking to her, she ask me what that sound is? I told her I’m standing next to the window and I think it’s all the loose stones from the new shingles that went up last week. When it dawned on me… that it wasn’t loose stones or other debris from the roof but in fact it was HAIL!
I ask you….
Who has this kind of luck?
Who has a new roof installed because of a wind and hail damage only to have it HAIL only days after the new roof gets put on?
Thanks for letting me vent and sharing a laugh or two with me.
When I was younger, early twenties, my folks and I had a psychic reading. JUST FOR FUN! The psychic told me that my life (mostly my kids) would keep me on roller-skates. If it was one thing it would be another. She wasn’t kiddin’!!