You Can Do It!

    Two post in one day??? There must be something wrong. 

    No not really.

    I have been reading the sweet comments left on the Pier 1 Grandiose Clock and have been think that you might be giving me way too much credit. 

    I’m going to break down this project to show you how easy it was.

    DIY Pier 1 Grandiose Clock

    1.  Remove a top off an old table.  Unfortunately mine was not black to begin with so I slapped on a coat of paint.  Another option would be to buy a round wooden disk sold, found in the moulding isle of Lowe’s.  (Last time I checked, Home Depot stopped carrying them.)

    2.  Purchase wooden numbers 1-12.  Hobby Lobby has them, but I was way to impatient to wait around for them to get all the numbers back in stock or even less impatient to order them from online and have them shipped, so I made them.  The truth is…. it took me most of a day to cut the numbers out, sand, and paint them.  Probably not the best use of my time.

    3.  Again I cut out the little square tiles but if you are intimidated by power tools, use the backs of scrabble tiles.  You might even find lil’ wooden squares in the wood isle at the craft store.

    4.  Paint the table, the numbers, and the small square tiles.

    5.  I used E6000 glue for the numbers and the wooden tiles.

    6.  Stencil, or if your really brave, free hand the “Antiquite de Paris” and address on the clock face.

    7.  Find center and screw on the clock motor.   The clock hands come in black, but I painted mine the same color as the numbers.

    Easy peasy!!!


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