Beautiful, Historic Brumby Hall: Take the Tour

    This week between Christmas and New Years is such a special time.  In a way, it feels like time is standing still.  For some, life may have returned to normal with normal working hours and schedules.  But if your household is anything like mine, you're still reveling in all things Christmas with New Year's Eve/Day waiting in the wings.  My family is still here visiting and the memories we're making are memories I will cherish always.  I hope you're making wonderful memories this week, too.

    A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to tour Brumby Hall, a "house museum" included in The Marietta Pilgrimage, a Christmas Historic Home Tour.  Brumby Hall has a rich history and it's a delight to tour since it has been restored and furnished beautifully.

    This brief history of Brumby Hall was included in the booklet we were given during the tour.

    Hope you enjoy this "pictorial" tour of Brumby Hall.  If you ever have an opportunity to tour it in person, you'll definitely want to do so.  Pictures just don't do it justice.

    The Entrance:

    Here are a couple of photos showing the condition of the home prior to its restoration in 1926.  Rough looking, wasn't it?

    I guess this would be called the Parlor.  The antiques throughout this home are so beautiful.

    Gorgeous mirror!  Do you see the firescreen?

    Instead of decorating the mantel, the front of fireplace was decorated instead.

    The other side of the parlor...

    A little closer view...

    This room was toward the back of the home.  It felt cozy and warm.  I love the wall color.

    Another beautifully decorated fireplace...

    Some of the art in the room...

    I think this painting depicts Brumby Hall  (lower right) surrounded by the buildings of the the Georgia Military Institute in 1864.  Sherman burned all the buildings, except Brumby, on his "March to the Sea."  He spared Brumby Hall since Colonel Brumby and Sherman were friends at West Point.

    Simple decorations for the mantel at Christmastime.

    The bathroom...

    More gorgeous furnishings...  Love this grand piano, identified as a Chickering square by a savvy reader.

    Love how the mirror was decorated for Christmas...

    A built in niche/cabinetry...

    This little doorway led to the area under the main stairway.  I guess it's just storage.

    Here's the way to the upstairs.  I'll share the upstairs in another post soon.  There were just too many photos to share them all in one post.  I can't wait to give you a tour of the dining room and a banquet room at the back of the home.  There's even a tablescape to share.

    See you tonight for Tablescape Thursday!  Happy Holidays!

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