Plan Now for a Beautiful Spring and Summer

    This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Bulbs. Dig, Drop, Done.. All opinions are 100% mine.

    Fall is such a busy time of year, especially now that the holiday season is in full swing.  Fall is also a great time to do a little planning for your spring and summer gardens.   A little planning now can reap huge rewards come springtime.

    One of my very favorite flowers is the crocus.  My hearts sings when I see them poking their little faces up out of the ground in late winter.  It always gives me hope because it's a sure sign spring is not far behind.

    Do you ever drive by an entrance to a business or subdivision in the spring time and see a bed of beautiful tulips, then a few weeks later notice gorgeous perennials coming up as the tulips began to wane? I always marvel when I see that because I know a little advance thought and planning went into creating the lovely transition.

    You don't have to be a gardener or have a degree in landscaping to get the same fabulous look for your yard.   I know what you're thinking.   You're not sure which bulbs to plant or where to plant them, right?  You may also be wondering which perennials pair well with which bulbs?  Yep, me too.  That's why I was so excited to find "Bulbs. Dig, Drop," has done all the planning work for us.  visit to learn more

    When you visit "Bulbs. Dig, Drop,"  they have this fun Garden Guru Tool on their Curbside Chaos website that takes all the guess work out of choosing which bulbs are best for your home and region.  It's super easy to use:

    First: Pick your Country and then the location/region you live in.

    Choose when you would like to have your bulbs bloom.  I chose March...the earlier, the better!

    Pick the flowers/bulbs you wish to plant or grow in your yard.  I chose Crocus since I love how early they pop up.

    The Garden Guru will give you all the information you need about how to plant your bulbs.  Love this!

    Wondering what perennials you should consider planting along with your bulbs?  When you visit the "Bulbs. Dig, Drop,," you'll see little headings across the top.  Click on the "Ready to Plant" category.

    A little menu drops down; just click on "Companion Planting."  You'll find all the information you need about which bulbs and perennials pair well together.  There's also info about which bulbs in the same family or different families make great companion plants.  This so has me in the mood to get outside and do some digging.

    While you are there, be sure to check out the funny videos staring Marcy, Juliana and Evelyn.  They are hysterical and had me wishing there was a new fall show staring these three ladies, called Desperate Housewives Gardeners.  No matter if you're a young professional with an eye for fashion, a busy "super" Mom or an empty nester (like me) you'll probably see a little of yourself in each of them.  I especially liked Marcy who is so detailed oriented, she planted bulbs that will bloom in her children's favorite colors.  Okay, I never did that, but it's probably because I just didn't think of it.  Ha!

    Curbside Chaos: Win $5,000 to Makeover Your Yard!
    Could your yard use some professional help?  I know mine could!  Exciting news: Dig. Drop. Done has partnered with Taniya Nayak to teach folks about incorporating bulbs into their gardens and they are sponsoring a Curbside Chaos Contest.  The winner will receive $5,000 makeover for their yard!

    Entering the contest is super easy.  Just submit a photo of your yard at Curbside Chaos.

    The lucky winner will not only receive a $5,000 yard makeover, they will also receive a visit from Taniya Nayak.  She'll be giving lots of great tips and ideas for incorporating bulbs into the landscape.

    Helping Homeowners:
    "Bulbs. Dig, Drop, Done." is working hard to help homeowners.  For every share on Twitter, "Bulbs. Dig, Drop, Done." will donate $1.00 to Rebuilding Together - the nation’s leading nonprofit who works to preserve affordable home ownership and revitalize communities.

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