Beautiful Kitchen Renovation: Welcome to the 152nd Metamorphosis Monday!

    Happy Met Monday!  I'm so excited to share an amazing kitchen make-over today.  Linn and her hubby did all the work themselves!.   On their blog, The Home Project, Linn says their main goal was to just "clean up the area and make it a great place to cook and organize our pantry."  The budget didn't allow for knocking down any walls or changing the area/size of the kitchen, but the changes are still quite dramatic.

    As you can see, Linn was dealing with a lot of green: green walls, green ceiling and green linoleum flooring.  Note where the refrigerator is in this pic.  It blocked a lot of light in that location.

    Another "before" view looking toward the other end of the kitchen.

    Here's a "during" picture.  It can feel sooo overwhelming when you're knee deep in a renovation process.  You have to hold onto the dream and keep your focus.  Just keep saying, "It's going to be worth it, it's going to be worth it!"

    And indeed, it was!  The flooring was done in a beautiful marble and granite tile.  Linn also decided to tile all the kitchen walls with white subway tile for a nice, clean look.

    The counter is stainless steel, giving the kitchen a bit of an industrial vibe.    This photo shows the refrigerator's new home.  The stove and refrigerator basically swapped locations, allowing more light into the kitchen.   Linn updated the stove, too.

    Love the knife rack/bar and the additional lighting.

    You can read more about this renovation and see the full breakdown for the budget at The Home Project.  Linn thanks so much for sharing this inspiring kitchen renovation!

    Looking forward to all the Before and Afters!

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