Elegant Dining in Brumby Hall: Welcome to the 175th Tablescape Thursday!

    Early this morning I posted a tour of the downstairs of beautiful Brumby Hall.  If you missed that tour, you'll find it here: Brumby Hall.  For Tablescape Thursday, I'm taking you into the dining rooms.  Yep, Brumby Hall has two dining rooms, probably due to its function as a special events facility now.

    This dining area was at the very back of the home.  Isn't the chandelier gorgeous?  I loved the simplicity of the three hurricanes down the center of the table.

    The salad plates depict the Twelve Days of Christmas.  This one is "nine ladies dancing."  Does anyone recognize the pattern?

    Love all the detailed carving on this beautiful sideboard.

    This room had built in china storage.

    A closer view...

    Another beautiful chest...

    Toward the front of the home you'll find a second dining room.

    Here we see another stunning chandelier.

    Another beautiful centerpiece...

    Take a peek at the other beautiful furnishings in this room.  You often see these tall mirrors in entrance halls of historic homes.  This one was lovely here in the dining room.

    The room was decorated for Christmas since this tour was in early December.

    The dining room had its own Christmas tree.

    I'll be sharing three upstairs areas/rooms in this historic home soon.  In the meantime, you can tour the downstairs HERE.  Love historic homes?  You'll find more historic home tours, HERE.

    Looking forward to the beautiful table settings posted for this Tablescape Thursday!

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