Fabulous Giveaway from Santos Cage Doll.Com

    Announcement: Thanks so much to all who entered the giveaway from Santos Cage Doll.com. The winner, chosen by the InLinkz Random Number Generator is: No. 20, Jeannine. Congrats, Jeannine.  Please e-mail me at betweennapsontheporchatgmaildotcom with your contact info.

    Greetings!  How is your weekend going?  Are you busy running around shopping and decorating for the holidays, I have a little something to make your holidays a whole lot merrier...a fabulous giveaway from Santos Cage Doll.com.

    Santos Cage Doll

    Earlier this year I carved out a little office/craft/sewing room for my home.  In between flooring installation, grueling wallpaper removal and painting, I treated myself to the occasional shopping foray for a much needed break.  On one such trip, I stopped by an antique shop and came across this lovely, chippy lady.  I'd never seen anything like her.  I was intrigued.  She was labeled "French doll" but a friend later told me she was actually a Santos.

    I didn't buy her that day but I could never get her sweet chippy self out of my mind.  After several days, I just had to go back and get her.  I'm so glad I did because she adds the perfect touch of whimsy and grace to my office space.

    She started out over near the wrapping paper organizer, but before long...

    I moved her over near the window where she keeps watch over Mr. Max during the day. She is one of the best parts of the office and I'm so glad I went back for her.  Have you ever done that--passed up a treasure only to have it sweetly haunt you until you returned back and brought it home?  You know when that happens, it's meant to be yours.

    Shortly after I bought my Santos and blogged about her, Santos Cage Doll.com became a Sponsor of BNOTP.  I was delighted to see they carried the exact same doll (23" Primitive Santos Cage Doll) I had found a few days before in the antique shop.

    Discount for BNOTP readers:
    If you've admired this particular style Santos during these past few months when I've posted about the office, now is a good time to buy her.  Jennifer is giving all BNOTP reades a 15% discount with the code NAP15 at checkout.  That discount is good on anything at Santos Cage Doll.com, not just on Santos.  The discount is good through December 12, 2011.

    Santos Cage Doll.com carries a great selection of wonderful Santos.  Here's just a very tiny sampling.  I love the ones with wings.  I think the wings are removal on some of the Santos.  They would be cute to display with wings during the Christmas season.

    There are even male Santos...

    You'll also find beautiful crowns.  Here's just a few of the ones I love.  I've been eyeing one of these for the dress form in the office.

    Love these mercury-glass heart ornaments.  There are so many different styles to choose from at Santos Cage Doll.com.

    Lots of pretties...

    Santos Cage Doll

    Giveaway: $75 Gift Certificate to Santos Cage Doll.com

    So how do you enter this awesome giveaway?  There are several ways to enter and the more times you enter, the better your chances are of winning since the winner will be chosen by a random number generator.

    To enter this Giveaway:

    1. Visit Santos Cage Doll.com and select the item you would choose if you should win this giveaway.  Then leave a comment on this post naming that item.

    2. "Like" Santos Cage Doll on Facebook , then leave a comment on the Santos Cage Doll Facebook wall  saying you're visiting from BNTOP.  Don't forget to leave a comment on this post for your second entry.

    3. "Follow" Santos Cage Doll on Twitter.  Leave a comment on this post for your 3rd entry.

    4. Tweet or Post about this Giveaway on Facebook with a link back to the Giveaway here at BNOTP.  You can use the share buttons at the bottom of this post for quick access.
    Not on Facebook or Twitter?  Feel free to link to this giveaway on a forum where you're a member.  Leave a comment on this post for your 4th entry.

    *IMPORTANT*  Be sure to leave a comment for each entry since the winner will be chosen using a random number generator.

    Best of luck to everyone!

    Giveaway ends at midnight, Sunday, December 11th.

    Receive a 15% discount at Santos Cage Doll.com with code: NAP15. This code is valid through December 12, 2011.

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