Christmas Handprint Pillow

    What do you do in January when your still in the holiday mood and there were so many wonderful projects you didn’t get time to do before December 25th?

    Keep on CRAFTING!!

    In a perfect world I was going to do a week long Christmas in July, but then again I don’t live in a perfect world.  This will be my third time writing this post.  Yep.  Third time’s a charm!

    I wrote this post the first time only to come home from work at two in the morning (working a concert) to see the Hubs on my computer.  I asked him what the weird noise was on my computer.  He quietly answered, “Oh, nothing” and then shut down the computer fast.  It wasn’t till the next morning that I realized that the coward {lol} got a serious virus on my computer!  Lost everything.

    The second time I wrote this post I lost everything again, only a few short months later, to a bad storm storm in May!  ugh

    Christmas Pillow

    Feeling a little nostalgic and wishing I keep my kids little forever, I was inspired by Sugar Bee Crafts Handprint Holiday Pillow.  Of course her pillow is so cute with the little hands and my kids are not so little anymore.  Boo hoo



    Embroidered Christmas Pillow

    Who doesn’t love to see their name embroidered?

    Certainly my kiddos are no exception.

    Christmas Embroider Pillow

    I even embroidered the date on the back.

    DIY Christmas Pillow

    Oh, look at those mitered corners!  It’s all about the details, baby!!  ha ha


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