I know Christmas is behind us, but I just had to share these wonderful photographs of Cornelia's, gorgeous tree. Cornelia lives in Switzerland and each year she decorates her tree in a traditional way, using real candles. Wait until you see the photos of it all aglow in candlelight! It truly is breathtaking!
The decorating process takes Cornelia many hours, usually 15-16. The ornaments are original and are treasured pieces from Germany and Czechia.
Cornelia shared, "It is the custom in Switzerland to keep the Christmas tree til the 6th of January (Epiphany)."
Enjoy these close-up photos of some of the lovely ornaments on Cornelia's tree.
Time to light the candles...
With the lights turned down low, you can really see the glow of the candles.
In case you're worried, there isn't much chance of a fire because the tree is put right before Christmas and the candles are lit for just a brief period each night, beginning on Christmas Day and until the end of the Epiphany on January 6th. So the tree is still nice and fresh when the candles are lit.
Bathed in candlelight...so beautiful and so magical. Isn't this thing called "blogging" just the best. When would we ever have a chance to see a tree lit with real candles in a gorgeous home in Switzerland, if not for the wonderful world of blogging.
You can see Cornelia's illuminated tree last year in THIS post. Thanks so much, Cornelia for bringing us into your home for Christmas.
The decorating process takes Cornelia many hours, usually 15-16. The ornaments are original and are treasured pieces from Germany and Czechia.
Cornelia shared, "It is the custom in Switzerland to keep the Christmas tree til the 6th of January (Epiphany)."
Enjoy these close-up photos of some of the lovely ornaments on Cornelia's tree.
Time to light the candles...
With the lights turned down low, you can really see the glow of the candles.
In case you're worried, there isn't much chance of a fire because the tree is put right before Christmas and the candles are lit for just a brief period each night, beginning on Christmas Day and until the end of the Epiphany on January 6th. So the tree is still nice and fresh when the candles are lit.
Bathed in candlelight...so beautiful and so magical. Isn't this thing called "blogging" just the best. When would we ever have a chance to see a tree lit with real candles in a gorgeous home in Switzerland, if not for the wonderful world of blogging.
You can see Cornelia's illuminated tree last year in THIS post. Thanks so much, Cornelia for bringing us into your home for Christmas.