A Wedding Reception, A Magical Evening: Welcome to the 176th Tablescape Thursday!

    Recently, my friend Maree, who blogs at  Tales from an OC Cottageshared some wonderful photographs taken when her nephew, Joe (son of her sister, Bee) and his sweetie, Katie, were married back in November.  The wedding reception was held in the backyard of Maree's sister (Kae's) home.  Maree has posted pictures on her blog in past showing Kae's gorgeous gardens and landscaping, but I had no idea her back yard was so beautiful!  Add to that a stunningly beautiful wedding, and it must have been an evening not soon forgotten.

    Maree said, "The bride (Katie) knew she wanted the cake in the gazebo...the basket ball court would be the dance floor and little white lights every where like in Stars Hallow {the little town where the Gilmore Girls lived.  We know it's not real, but we still want to live there one day!"

    Maree said, "The grooms only request was the hanging paper lanterns.  He still has NO idea how we had to "MacGyver" them that morning.  The proper instructions were just TOO MUCH...we were already up to our eyes in glasses, napkins and tree branches! So I said we can just bend this to secure it...bend that to hang it...no lights had to be restrung, none fell, and they looked very cool."
    I love the paper lanterns.  They immediately made me think of the paper lanterns hung for the party at Lauren and Harley's cottage home in the movie, It's Complicated,  HERE.  (Tour the main house in It's Complicated, HERE.)

    I love the chairs they chose for the event.  The napkins are such a nice pop of color against the white tablecloths and china.  Lots of pretty stemware for happy toasts to the bride and groom.

    If you've ever visited Maree's wonderful blog, you know she is the Queen of Glitter.   I designated that title just for her. :) Those skills came in very handy as she created the table numbers for this special dinner.  Maree told me the colors you see in the floral arrangements were chosen to coordinate with the color of the bride's shoes.  The napkins matched her shoes exactly.  I love that shade of pink...so vibrant and so pretty!  I know the bride was beautiful!

    Peonies all the way from Holland!  Gorgeous!

    In lieu of favors, the bride and groom made a donation to the Wounded Warriors Project.  Love that...such a a great idea!

    Kae's daughter, Molly, along with her husband, were the photographers for this special day.  It's my understanding she photographs weddings all over the country.  If you would like more info about how to reach her, I'm sure Maree (Tales from an OC Cottage) will be happy to put you in touch.

    This photo made me gasp...soooo beautiful!   Truly, truly a magical night!  Wish I could have been a fly on a lantern, watching it all down below.  Okay, maybe not a fly...how about a beautiful butterfly.  Yep, that's it.  A butterfly drinking in all the beauty below.

    Maree, thanks so much for sharing these lovely pictures.  I want to come live in Kae's backyard!  Tell her I'll be there by tomorrow. ;)

    Looking for more ideas for creating table numbers for a wedding reception or any occasion.  You'll find a tutorial HERE.

    If it's ideas for table settings, click on the category,"Tablescapes" at the top of this blog and scroll down where you'll find picture links to posts with details images of table settings for all occasions, including bridal showers.

    Looking forward to all the beautiful tables posted for this Tablescape Thursday!

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