Edit Photos with Creative Kit at Google+, Picnik Alternative

    I was just reading my Facebook page and found some information you may find helpful if you are looking for an alternative to Picnik now that it's closing. Laurie with Tip Junkie shared that lots of the of the photo-editing features in Picnik can now be used in Google+ through its "Creative Kit." 

    Here are the directions for finding the Creative Kit on Google+:

    Log into Google+ HERE
    Click on the Photos button at the top
    Click on "Your Albums" on the left
    Click on any album on the right
    Click on any photo to edit
    Click on the specific photo you wish to edit
    At the top you'll see some options like these shown below.  Click on "Creative Kit" and you're all set.

    Picnik will close on April 19th so you'll want to transfer or download your images stored there prior to that date.

    You'll find 9 more photo editing sites (alternatives to Picnik) in THIS post.

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