All It Takes

    {Is a GOOD Night’s SLEEP}

    I spent the better part of last night trying to correct an error message that I kept getting in Photoshop CS5.  I tweaked, updated, scanned, and googled for hours without getting anywhere closer to a solution.  I put the computer in sleep mode and went to bed………

    Woke up this morning, dragging my heels to the computer, and in less than 20 minutes had the problem solved and no more error message! Can I get a ….. Whoo Hooo!!!!!

    cs5 screen shot

    Sunday night…….. I was blog hopping and saw a post over on the Idea Room about setting your camera in RAW format.  {okay I thought to myself….. why not at least try it for a few clicks of the camera in RAW}

    Monday night……. Researched how to view and edit RAW files in Photoshop CS5. {okay.  seemed easy enough}

    Tuesday night……  Clicked a few shots on my Canon 50D and tried to view and edit in CS5.  That’s when I kept getting this annoying ERROR message.  And I tried and tried and tried to correct this error with NO such LUCK.  That is until…….

    Wednesday morning….. the heavens opened and the angels sang!!!! 

    I always knew I was a morning person!  I really need to schedule all my major THINKIN’ projects for the mornings and leave the evening for mindless activities….. oh say ….. cleaning the toilets.

    Hope everyone had a good night’s sleep,


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