I am Queen!

    {Queen of unfinished projects that is}

    Here is my crown.  Isn’t she lovely?


    Now don’t get me confused with the Princess of Procrastination.  I love to start a project.  Love to gather ideas, create a step-by-step check list, and ultimately SHOPPING for materials!   So what’s the problem you ask???   FINISHING. COMPLETING.

    We all go through personal journeys. We all need to do some sole searching.  We all need to conquer our own demons.

    As I take a hard look at all my unfinished projects,  I have gathered a list of excuses reasons why their still incomplete:

    1. Waiting on materials to arrive in the mail because I can’t get them locally. (the down side of living in a small town)

    2.  Needing an extra pair of hands.  (usually that of a strong man)

    3.  Lack of time (homeschooling 3 kids/4 part-time jobs)

    4.  Lost interest (usually because the project isn’t turning out like I want) [shaking hands in the air]

    5.  Ran out of $MONEY$ (this happens a lot) LOL

    6.  Bit off more than I can handle (this happens from time to time)

    7.  Secretly hoping someone else will come and complete the project! Ha Ha

    Okay you get the point.  How many of the 7 did you say, “Yep, that’s me”

    This is where YOU ALL come in.  The very reason for the existence of this little blog.  I can not post about any unfinished projects!  I may send out teasers from time-to-time but all projects will be completed!!!!

    OH   You didn’t think I’d leave you hanging. Of course I’ll show you my collection.


    Refinishing the front door.  The South Carolina morning sun had faded the outside.  To my defense- the temperatures dropped before I could complete.

    Picnik collage

    Ok this is NOT a before and after photo.  I wanted to change the stained spindles to white.  This small section took several hours to paint!  (Still waiting for the paint fairy to come and finish the rest of the spindles)

    Picnik collage spindals

    These are two separate craft projects that are waiting on materials to come via UPS.  One of them I tried to cut corners and finish anyways but it turned out really bad.  More on that to come…..

    Picnik collage crafts

    And these are two separate home dec projects.  [holding up my right hand] I promise to complete these projects

    Picnik collage home dec

    Thank you everyone for making me accountable!           Have a great weekend!

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