Back from Charleston, SC


    I hope everyone had a great Memorial Day Weekend.  I had a fabulous time with my hubby and the kiddos in Charleston, SC.  I have lived in South Carolina for 14 years and this was my first visit to Charleston. 

    Our trip started off a bit rocky when a tire blew-out on the highway in the RV.  The tire exploded and sounded much like a gun went off.   A huge piece of rubber caught the inner fender wall and did all kinds of damage.  Like…… tearing the gas line and nozzle off and pulling a piece of metal forward slicing the other dual wheel.  There we sat, on the edge of the freeway, an hour from home, in need of two RV tires.   No worries…. hubby made a few calls and in less that half an hour someone arrived to help! 

    After all of our initial excitement, our trip was very relaxing and peaceful.  If you have never been to Charleston, I personally recommend it!  The food was fabulous, the views were breath taking, and the southern charm is at an all time high. 

    Here’s a few highlights:

    Don’t you just love this ceiling???


    Peeking into the private gardens. 



    Beautiful window boxes everywhere!!!


    Modern day security system?


    Colorful nooks and allies


    Patriotic whimsy!!!    The hubby really liked the ivy growing on the stairs.


    A few visitors during our lunch!


    I can’t stress what a wonderful trip we had.  In fact, I really want to go back { just the hubby and me} in the fall.   Charleston is such a romantic place. 

    Dave and I Charleston 




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