Historic Tyson-Stedham Restoration, Part III: Welcome to the 119th Metamorphosis Monday!

    For this Met Monday, I'm excited to share an update on the historic Tyson-Stedham home in Adel, Georgia. This Arts and Crafts home, built in 1912, had been "renovated" over the years by previous owners and had lost its original personality and beauty.

    Dustin, owner of Van der Fleet Designs and Restoration, along with his hardworking crew, have made some great progress over the last two weeks. When I last posted about the Tyson-Stedham home, Dustin had just completed restoring the front porch, demolishing much of the added back porch and had given the home a new roof after removing 6 layers of old roofing. You can view that post HERE.

    The front porch project is now complete and the shingles have been installed on the upper gable. Dustin had to demo quite a bit of the porch to restore it back to its original configuration. He added a nice feature on the left side of the porch. Do you see it?

    Dustin designed a bench with supports mimicking the columns of the front porch. His lead carpenter, Justin Holcomb, built the bench for the porch. I can't wait to see it once it's painted.

    Paint Slingers painting company began the initial pressure washing and paint preparation for the Tyson/Stedham House.

    Dustin said, "The initial pressure washing is taking most of the old paint right off the house leaving us with almost perfectly smooth wood to repaint." With just a little sanding, the surface will be smooth and ready for painting.

    Another view as the old paint is being removed:

    Over the years a previous homeowner had removed a window and added a second door where the window had been, so the house had two "front" doors as seen in the picture below.

    Dustin removed the door and restored the original window. Now the home has proper symmetry and balance again. Looks so much better, doesn't it?

    Here's a close-up of the restored window on the left, beside its twin on the right. I just know with each passing day, this beautiful old home must be breathing a sigh of relief as its beauty and heritage is being restored.

    Dustin said, "We have begun the process of taking the added back deck off the house. we will also be taking off the added back roofing that was added to cover the deck."

    Earlier this week I posted about 9 Great Features to include when adding on a screened-in porch. I mentioned how important it was to use "exterior" grade fans on porches. Take a look at that old ceiling fan in this picture below. That's a great example of what happens when you don't use an exterior grade fan...sagging fan blades.

    The removal of the drop ceiling reveals the original back clapboard and roof brackets. Dustin said these have not been visible for decades!

    Originally, Dustin thought he would be restoring the back porch. But after further research, the porch was discovered to not be original to the home. The original back of the house had an open porch with four columns and a roof.

    In this picture below, the porch is being removed. The bump-out here is not original either and it will be demolished, too.

    This side view shows the demolition of the added rear deck and the sleeping porch demolition. Some additional brick work will be needed to restore the foundation. Dustin told me this part of the foundation has not been visible for decades due to the additions/modifications made over the years to this part of the home.

    The painting will be getting underway real soon. I can't wait to see what colors Dustin has chosen for the exterior. Dustin is known for choosing beautiful paint schemes for the exterior of the homes he restores, so I know it will be fabulous!

    Dustin, thanks so much for sharing the restoration process of the historic Tyson-Stedham home.
    To see the condition of the Tyson-Stedham house both inside and out prior to any restorations by Dustin and his team, click HERE.

    If you miss a post in this series, I have a permanent link on the sidebar. Just click on that link and you'll be able to see all past posts covering this amazing restoration. As you read, when you reach the bottom of the blog, you'll need to click on "Older Posts" to continue reading the older posts in this series.

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