Wide Awake

    INSERT:  I tried to post this last night and blogger wasn’t working and then 5 minutes later our powder went off.  The little power that we did have was only a  teaser as our power has been off since early Wednesday morning.

    Thank you so much for your compassion about the storm that we have faced.  It truly means a lot to me.   Without a doubt I am so blessed that everyone is safe!!!

    shingles 400 feet away Shingle from the back of the house found in the middle of the front yard 400 feet away!


    I should have mentioned that I haven’t been sleeping well lately and under normal circumstances I am a heavy sleeper and could have easily slept through it all!   However, lately, I haven’t been able to reach Relm 4 or Relm 5, you know that really wonderfully deep sleep. 

    Feeling a little chitty chatty, let me tell you about the time…….

    While we were at one of my son’s races and staying in the RV, I mentioned to some friends of mine that I hadn’t been sleeping well for a sometime now.   So one friends offered me one of his Ambien.  Let me insert right now that I NEVER NEVER EVER take medicine of any sort.  The strongest thing I have ever taken is a 500mg pain reliever.   Okay back to the story…..


    He instructs me to take the Ambien right before I going bed. 

    I take the pill and went to sleep around 9:30…… by 11:00 I was back up  going to the bathroom and fidgeting for the rest of the night. 

    The following night, he gives me 2 Ambiens to take and instructs me to hop into bed and then take the pills because he says they will knock me out before I could make into bed. 

    Alright, I sat in bed, took the 2 pills, and laid down to sleep.  About 1:00 am the dog was whimpering to go outside.  No ONE woke up but me!  Now to be truthful, I was stumbling all the way to the door and knew for certain that I couldn’t physically walk the dog (not without hurting myself) so I opened the door, let the dog out without a leash, and hoped and prayed she would come back and not run off.  She did come back but the rest of the night I was up and fidgeting!

    The next day I tell my friend and he  is in shock and awe.  He assures me that I need to see a doctor because something is not right! 

    Reason for this story…. I haven’t taken any more sleep aids……..

    well, until the night of the storm!  After the storm hit I couldn’t get back to sleep and boy was I was dragging my feet all day yesterday.  I felt like I had this medicine in my body that just wouldn’t let go.  With all the craziness of the day- walking around to see all the damage, calling the insurance company, picking up Pizza for dinner, checking out the rest of the town’s damage, visiting with my Mom, heading to the YMCA for showers, and finding out that my computer is gone, there wasn’t anytime for a nap :(

    I think I am through with medicine for my sleep-depravation.  I am sure I need to see a doctor about lack of quality sleep but is there an all-natural home remedies that anyone can suggest for getting to that deep Relm 5 sleep


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