Pottery Barn Bedford Office Update: Welcome to the 121st Metamorphosis Monday!

    Hi Everyone! Hope you've had a wonderful weekend! I'm excited to share some significant additions/improvements I've recently made to the office. You may remember in a past post I mentioned I had decided to move my craft/wrapping center from behind the shutter. I had originally placed it there so I could wrap gifts on that end of the desk, within easy reach of the paper. I was also not happy with the "shutter-style" bulletin board because it felt as if it was competing with the shutters in the room when it was closed. So, I decided to extend the desk out to the left side.

    That meant ordering more desk units for the left end of the desk. I ordered another Open Bedford Unit (the one that's holding the baskets) and another 3 drawer file cabinet. They were out of the open unit and it's been back-ordered forever. It was supposed to arrive on May 3rd and did not. It is in route now, though and is supposed to arrive this Tuesday.

    For today's post I stole the existing unit and put it on the other side of the room so you could see how it will look once it's all in place. When the new unit arrives, it will go back where you see the baskets under Max.

    This picture pretty much tells the story of the changes that have been made to office this past week. The chandelier was installed, the wrapping center was moved to its new home above the new desk section, as planned in THIS post. Crown molding was installed; it still needs to be caulked and painted. I love how crown molding just finishes a room off...makes such a difference! By the way, this picture most accurately shows how the paint color, Sugar Cookie, looks on the walls in here.

    Update: Here's a view of the room with the new open unit that arrived after this post was written:

    I purchased a new bulletin board that I like much better for this room. It doesn't have a "shutter" look so it doesn't fight the plantation shutters like the other one did. I found the new bulletin board at Ballard Designs Outlet here in Roswell, Georgia. It was already discounted down to $148.99 and was another 40% off that; so I paid $89.

    Here's a view with the chandelier on a lower setting. The chandelier is a little low since I only have 8 foot ceilings. But it's high enough to walk under without any problem, unless you're 6 feet tall. One word: DUCK!

    I had it installed on a dimmer so it can be adjusted when needed.

    So what do you think? It's covered in flowers: Roses, Daisies, Lily of the Valley, Violets, etc... I think it adds a bit of whimsy to the office. You can see it much better in THIS post.

    A view of the other side of the room. I'm on the look out for a small chest to go on the left of the chair, along with a pretty lamp for reading.

    How do you like the wrapping center over here? Much better, huh? :) I am so enjoying having the printer off of the desk. I'm not sure if it will stay on the bottom or if I'll move it to the top shelf.

    I saw this bee pillow online at Ballard Designs and I loved it so much I drove to the Ballard Designs store in Atlanta (along with the chair cushion) to see if the green in the pillow would work with the chair. It did, but the $49 price tag stopped me from buying it. There was just no way I was going to spend $49 for a pillow.

    I kept checking online each week, hoping it would go on sale, but it never did. The last time I looked online, I have no idea why, but I asked myself what price it would have to be before I'd be willing to purchase it. For some weird reason, $25 instantly popped into my head. That's about 50% off...no way I'd ever see it that low, especially since it's a new spring item.

    Last week when I stopped by the Ballard outlet in Roswell, I found the pillow on a bench near the front of the store. It was the only bee pillow in the entire store. It was marked down to $35 and was an additional 30% off...which made it $25.19. Crazy, huh? :) I think it was just waiting for me to come take it home.

    I spied this little lady in an antique store a few weeks ago. She isn't an antique but a reproduction. The tag that was hanging on her said she's a "French Doll." I didn't buy her that day, but I kept thinking about her. I just loved everything about her...her green chippy paint and her sweet countenance.

    It's hard to see in this picture, but she has the softest pink cheeks and lips...so sweet. A friend identified her as a Santos. I had never heard of those until now. Perhaps she'll watch over Max and me and keep us safe. She can be my office guardian angel. :)

    What should I name her? A friend suggested Adelaide. What would you name her?

    I have plans for this big blank wall. I'd love to see a large bookcase cabinet there...one with glass paned doors. I can see it in my head; the trick will be finding it at a reasonable price. Maybe I'll find one in terrible condition and paint it...that would be a nice look for the office...a painted piece.

    This may be my last "office" update for a while. Not sure when I'll find the chest and bookcase cabinet. I looked all this weekend for a chest and didn't find anything that stole my heart. So, I'll be patient...and it will find me.

    If you'd like to follow this home office transformation backwards, from today's post to the beginning when it was a bedroom, click HERE.

    Can't wait to see what you've been up to! I'm adding this post to The Lettered Cottage's DIY How To Party. Thanks, Layla for hosting!

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