Significant Headway Has Been Made

    Well, well, well. Things were kind of interesting around here in Blogland the last couple of days, huh? Were you as happy as I was to see your disappearing post, magically reappear again? :)

    When I was finally able to access the dashboard, our Tablescape Thursday post was still missing along with all of your beautiful tablescape links. I temporarily created a blank post with just the script/code from Inlinkz containing all the picture links of the blogs that had linked for TT. Unfortunately, when I tried clicking on the links, they took me to an ugly ole error page. That was because, though the links were there, the posts to which they linked were still missing. Drat!

    So, I deleted that sad attempt to revive Tablescape Thursday and patiently waited for Blogger to right the ship. Thankfully, right it, they did. Well, except for the comments which apparently are all still floating around out there in the blogosphere. Hopefully, they will land soon.

    It was a strange 24 hours, feeling powerless and just waiting for the "Blogging Powers That Be" to fix "IT"...whatever IT was. I'm hoping IT doesn't happen again anytime soon. I'm sure you feel the same way!

    Now for our regularly scheduled programming:
    You may remember last week I mentioned things were somewhat on hold while I awaited my contractor's return from vacation. He returned (YAY!) and stopped by Tuesday to help get a few things done in the office. I'll share those in a bit more detail on Monday, but I thought I'd give you a mini preview today. Yes, this is a bit of a tease ;) but it wouldn't be any fun if you didn't have a little something to look forward to for Metamorphosis Monday! Right? :)

    A certain chandelier was hung...

    A wrapping/craft center was moved to a better location and was decked out in some springtime wrapping paper.

    The "shutter door" bulletin board was nixed for reasons I'll explain on Monday. I found a new one to take its place.

    The office finally got its crown molding. Guess what I'll be doing this weekend? Yep, caulking and painting, caulking and painting.

    While my wonderful contractor was here, I had him install crown molding in the guest room, too. I've been wanting to do that for the longest time. Did I mention I'd be doing a lot of caulking and painting???

    I'm actually pretty handy at installing molding. After our Golden Retriever puppy ate ALL the molding in the kitchen (and I do mean ALL) I single-handedly cut, installed, caulked and painted ALL the chair rail, baseboard, quarter round and door molding in the kitchen after removing all the old, chewed-up molding. Took me quite a few weekends since that was the only time I could work on it and I don't own a nail gun. The bay window was the tricky part; my miter box only had 45 and 90 degree angles. Ugh. So, I free-handed the bay. Unfortunately, crown molding is a two person job, so I left it up to the pros this time.

    Earlier in the week, I picked up the additional glass I had cut for the extension I've added to the existing Pottery Barn Bedford desk.

    Now that some of the "bones" are in place, it was time to start adding in a little whimsy. This lovely lady will be keeping me company...more on her soon.

    A much watched and coveted pillow mysteriously became available at a price I was willing to pay. Umm...the fates must be assisting with the decorating of the office.

    Can you guess where the pillow ended up?

    The office isn't complete, not sure it ever will be. That would be no fun. But, the "To Do" list on the sidebar is shrinking. :)

    Several new tablescape posts were added to Tablescape Thursday, yesterday. Scroll on down to view the magical disappearing and reappearing TT links. :) You won't be disappointed!

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