Own the "Home Alone" House!

    Hold the phone! Guess what?! The Home Alone house has been put up for sale! Yep, it's true. If you fell in love with this home when you saw the movie, for $1.4 million ($1,392,000 to be exact) you can own the actual home where the movie was filmed.

    This Zillow article HERE says the home is listed for 2.4 million, but the actual real estate listing HERE shows it's 1 million less than that and is actually, $1,392,000 million. Apparently, it was valued at 2.6 million in January 2008 but prices have come down so much, it is now valued for much less...almost half off!

    I know, let's all pool our money together and buy it. ;) If just 52 of us each pitch in $26,769.23, we can buy "our" house and we'll each get to stay there for 1 week each year. We'll have to pull straws to see who gets it for Christmas week. ;)

    We're going to need to do a little renovating because you know we're going to want it to look just like it did in the movie. Check out these pics from Zillow. It looks quite different now.

    Here's a current picture of this stately Georgian home. Beautiful isn't it?

    Here's a direct comparison of the living room in the movie and how the home looks today. I would never have recognized it...very different.

    Remember that infamous scene in the movie where Kevin catapults himself down these stairs on a sled!

    Here's how it looks in the real estate listing. The listing says the basement is finished, it definitely wasn't in the movie. Guess the current homeowners did that over these many years. It appears they had only been living there for about 2 years when the movie was made.

    I'll bet this pic from the real estate listing is one from the movie.

    Lovely home!

    To see a detailed tour of the home as it was in the movie, check out this Home Alone movie post HERE.

    Thanks, Michele, Karen and Joy for your e-mails and comments alerting me to the listing!
    (All photos are from Zillow.com, except the first photo which is from the movie.

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