Travel Destinations: Isle of Hope Home Tour, Part II

    As promised, here are the rest of the beautiful homes facing the marina and Skidaway River in Isle of Hope in Savannah, Georgia. (Click on any picture to further enlarge it.)

    The green door was really pretty on this house.

    I think this one was my just felt like a storybook home. Even the tree on the left felt like it belonged in a storybook. Doesn't it look as if it may come to life at any moment? :)


    Great porches!

    Loved the topiaries on either side of the gate.

    A final view of this home...

    The oaks dripping in Spanish moss really make these homes feel enchanting.

    A little closer view...

    I love all the white picket fences and there are so many different styles.

    Wow! Just Wow!

    Remember the house I shared yesterday in THIS post...the one where I thought they had possibly closed in the lower porch, making it a sun porch? I wonder if it looked more like this initially, with two large, open porches.

    Imagine for a moment, it's evening time and there's a bright moon overhead. You can just see it peeking through the branches. You're standing out on the lawn in a beautiful sun dress and the breezes feel like heaven. There's a long table here on the lawn. It's covered with a crisp, white tablecloth and two large, blazing candelabras, one at each end. The table is set with elegant china, crystal and silver and hundreds of twinkling votives. Soft breezes from the Skidaway River gently rustle the Spanish moss hanging from the Live Oaks overhead. Music fills the air and you are surrounded by friends. It's a wonderful out on the lawn.

    Have you ever seen window boxes overflowing like these? Beautiful! This house appears to have a screened-in porch below and another open porch above.

    Notice the chimneys on this house...

    This house was a fun surprise at the end of the street. I loved the color.

    Hope you enjoyed this home tour in the Isle of Hope community.

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