It Was Over In A Flash

    UPDATE:  Reposting.  I have been without power for some time and just realize that this post was removed.  How odd?!?!  I have never had that happen before.  Boy do I miss my own computer!!

    The weather report for this week were calling for some sever thunderstorms across the Carolina’s and Tuesday night things got a really gray and dark overhead but nothing came about, which is typical at my house.  My house sets in some kind of loop-hole!  We can sit on our back deck and literally watch the rain circle around my house with0ut ever getting a drop of rain!  So Tuesday night was no different and we all went to bed thinking we wouldn’t get a drop of rain.

    Let me tell you, Tuesday night was hot!!  I woke up at midnight and it was still 76 degrees outside, which can make it a bit unbearable to sleep seeing how I haven’t kicked on the air conditioner yet.  I laid there in bed and around 1:00 am I felt a small breeze across my feet and thought myself “Great!  Maybe it will start cooling off!”  I checked my phone to see the time (12:58am) and weather (73 degrees).  In less than the a blink strong wind started hitting the house.  The Hubs woke up and said a few words, then another strong gust of wind, followed by a few more words from the Hubby.  My husband tells me to get the kids up and bring them downstairs now.  At that very moment my daughter yells out “MOM!!!”  It takes only a few moments to gather everyone in the living room and to assess the situation.  At 1:09am I called my mother, whom lives next door, to make sure she was alright.  She tells me, “If I get blown away, just know that I’m hiding in the closet!  Just so you will know where to find me.” 

    In less than the time it takes you get a meal at Applebee’s the weather calmed down to heavy raindrops and the lighting and thunder move quickly away from us.  Everyone is fine and actually by the grace of God, no one in town got hurt!  Many were left without power, and we were one of them.  Our power came on late last night, but there are many that will be without for a bit longer. 

    This is the first time I have ever really experienced any like this first hand.  No it wasn’t a tornado but never-the-less scary on several levels!  I often watch the news and wonder why people that are caught in these kinds of storms don’t take cover.  Well, NOW I KNOW.  There is no warning.  No rain, no thunder, no lighting to be seen off in the distance.  It hits fast and it hits hard.  Even the weather app on my phone didn’t send out a warning until it we were already in the middle of the storm.

    Assessing the damage:  Many shingles  were torn off the house and the garage (some singles were found 400 yards away from the house in the middle of the front yard), siding pulling off, trees uprooted and snapped in half, and we found out when the power came back on that lighting took out many of your electronics: my desktop, fax machine, living room TV and satellite, my son and daughter’s flat-screen TV….  They are all fried!  Most of the items were even on a serge protector.  In fact, my desktop computer had two serge protectors and it still was not match for this storm. 


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