The Good Towels, Save Them or Use Them?

    A few days ago I spied some gorgeous towels at the Pottery Barn website. I can't remember now how I ended up there, but when I saw those beautiful monogrammed bee hand towels, it was love at first sight.

    I seem to have a serious bee thing going on lately as you can tell from the "bee" stuff that's been happening in my recent home office/craft room addition. I've always had a serious monogram thing as you can see from this photo taken with my son many years ago.

    Please excuse the quality of the pic, it's a bit beat up but it popped right into my head when I thought about my obsession fondness for monograms. It's so unfortunate when your monogram spells a word...everyone has to say it out loud when they see you. lol Mine spells: SHE. At least it isn't an ugly word, but still, major annoying. Ha! Does anyone else have a problem with their monogram spelling anything? (About the picture below, Chip had just reached that stage where he could really see himself in a mirror. So fun! :)

    I talked myself out of ordering the bee towels (at least for now) because I wondered if they would really get used. That is so NOT like me. I NEVER save the good stuff. I believe in using everything and if it gets a dent, scratch, stain, etc...oh well, it just means you were busy living life and that is truly what it's all about.

    I wondered if I placed those bee towels in my guest bath would my friends use them when they visited or would they just be wasted? Would my family use them or, would everyone think they were just too pretty or too nice to "mess up?"

    So while I debated this, I really wanted to know what you guys, thought. I asked your opinion in THIS post, using a couple of "What would you do" situations. By the way, there is still time to vote in the poll; it doesn't end until tomorrow.

    Poll Results:

    First Situation:
    Here's how the results looked when you were faced with just the one towel option (the elegant bee towels) or resorting to using bath tissue or air drying. I should mention, I had "drying them on your clothes" as an option when I first created the poll, but I decided y'all might not appreciate that and removed it. :) I should have left it in because in the comments you left, that was an oft mentioned option. Hey, sometimes you do whatcha gotta do.

    When the only "towel" option was the bee towel, you 40% said, what the heck, and went for it. That's pretty logical. If that's the only option provided, that must mean the host expects you to use them, right? 44% said they would use bath tissue or just air dry and 14% had another idea and expressed it in the comments. A lot of those were "dry hands on the clothes" or "ask the host for another towel."

    As for me, I'm pretty sure I would have gone for the bath tissue choice, probably combined with the drying them on my clothes...depending on what I was wearing. I would just rather err on the side of caution, especially if they are in the state I described, starched and looking completely unused. Now, if it looked like someone had already used the bee towel, I most likely would use it, too.

    Second Situation:
    So what about when the available options were elegant, monogrammed bee towels AND a regular ole cotton towel?

    You guys went for the less fancy, cotton towel option by a wide margin...92%. I understand why because I would have done the same thing. If I was in a friend's home and was faced with these two options and the bee towel was all starched and untouched-looking, I'm sure I'd go for the cotton towel, not knowing if the bee towels were there just for decoration.

    Personally, I wouldn't put towels in my guest bath that I didn't want someone to use, because there's a very good chance they will get used, especially if nothing else is available. You know, I think having special towels in the bath just for decoration was more of a 70s-80s thing. It was very common when I was a newlywed back in the late 70's, but I don't think it's done that much, now. At least, I never see towels hanging just for decoration when I visit friend's homes. What do you think? Do people still do that? Do you still see towels put out just for decoration when visiting your friend's homes?

    What Do I Have in My Powder Room?
    Several folks asked what I have out in my powder room when I have guests over. I've always offered two options as shown in THIS previous post written in September 2009 showing a Before and After in my downstairs powder room. My half-bath is just big enough to hold an old record cabinet and I store both paper towels and monogrammed towels inside.

    I keep a monogrammed towel out all the time for everyday use. I buy them when Neiman Marcus runs their killer towel sales that include free monogramming and/or free shipping.

    Okay, I just checked and they have a sale going right now. You can buy Ralph Lauren, monogrammed hand towels for only $9.50 each! That includes monogramming and shipping is free right now with the code JULYFS. See what I mean?! Love those sales!

    The towels I have are the Ralph Lauren ones and they have held up extremely well. Mine have been washed a million times and still look like the day I bought them. I love the tone-on-tone can just barely see it in the pic below. That's what I usually buy. I bought the red monogrammed one to put out at Christmastime. These towels also make great shower/wedding gifts. And, no, I'm not affiliated with NM and they aren't paying me or giving me anything to say this. As usual, just sharing the good stuff when I find it.

    For Guests/Parties:

    For parties I always put out a couple of fresh, cloth hand towels along with a basket of the disposable paper towels. That way, my guests can choose what they wish to use. I forgot to put out the paper towels for my 4th of July party. Rats! I just realized that. Oh well, it was a small group, only, that party got off to a rough start as you may have read, HERE.

    The paper hand towels are a little too expensive to have out for everyday use...or at least they are for me. Someone mentioned in the comments that they put out enough cloth towels so everyone can use a fresh cloth hand towel. I love that idea. If you can find them at a reasonable price, that would be an awesome way to spoil your guests...and I'm all for spoiling my guests. :)

    This old record cabinet works great for storing towels and such.

    Thanks so much for taking time to vote in the polls. I learned so much from your votes and from the comments you left. You guys really feel strongly about what you dry your hands with when visiting someone else's home. Seriously....more strongly than I would have ever guessed. Did the polls or the comments left on that post influence or change what you'll have out in your powder room for your guests?

    Additional Info:
    Did you know they make pop-up hand towels for bathrooms? Click HERE to see them online. This would be a great choice for powder rooms, too...if you want to have all your bases covered for your guests.

    If you would like to vote in the polls mentioned above, you'll can do that, HERE. Tomorrow, the 16th, is the last day for voting.

    Kindle Giveaway, Sponsored by Michael Lee West:
    Have you entered the Giveaway for a brand, spanking new Kindle? If not, you can do that HERE.

    Pssst: Stop back by later today. I have a yummy salad recipe to share and I think you're going to love it. :)

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