What Would You Do? Two Situations, Two Polls

    You're a guest at a large dinner party. During the party, nature calls, and you make a little trip to the powder room. As you finish washing your hands, you look around for a towel to dry them and this is what you see:

    Elegant, starched, monogrammed, linen hand towels

    Same situation, but...

    You're a guest at a large dinner party. During the party, nature calls, and you make a little trip to the powder room. As you finish washing your hands, you look around for a towel to dry them and this is what you see:

    Elegant, starched, monogrammed, linen hand towels...AND

    A plain, everyday, cotton hand towel:

    Have you ever found yourself in this situation?

    Addition: Several folks have asked about the bee towels...they are available at Pottery Barn and currently they are offering free shipping.  Ooops, they appear to all be sold out now.

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