Kindle Giveaway!

    A few months back we kicked off the new release of Michael Lee West's latest book, Gone with a Handsomer Man with a fabulous Giveaway.

    Secret Sneak Preview:
    We also got a never-before-seen, sneak peek at the next exciting book in this series starring our imitable heroine, Teeny Templeton, casting our votes for our favorite cover. We'll get to see which cover came out on top next Spring (2012) when A Teeny Bit of Trouble is set to be released. I can't wait to see what escapades Teeny is cooking up. Whatever they are, I know it's going to be a fun ride!

    Teeny's Mystery Club and an Awesome Giveaway: Latest Generation Kindle!

    Teeny is keeping the momentum going with the Teeny Mystery Club and an exciting Giveaway of the latest generation Kindle! This Kindle is light, fast and easy on the eyes...even outdoors! Did I mention it has Wi-Fi built right in? Awesome!

    I just treated myself to a Kindle a few months ago and I have to tell you, I use it every. single. day! If I'm not reading a book, I'm unwinding at the end of the day with one of the challenging word games I've downloaded for free from Amazon. I take it with me's appointments, even on vacation. I love my Kindle!

    How to Enter the Giveaway for the latest generation Kindle: It's so easy!

    For an opportunity to win, stop by Teeny's blog, The World According to Teeny, and click on "Join this site." Please leave a comment letting me know you did.

    When you become a member of Teeny's blog, you automatically become a member of the Teeny Mystery Club which comes with lots of fabulous benefits:

    *Automatic entry in weekly summer contests
    *Free Bookmarks, postcards, and signed bookplates (upon request--check "free swag" tab)
    *Updates on book signings, festival appearances, and new releases
    *Newsletter with excerpts and sneak-previews from the new books
    *Free e-books
    *Member spotlight
    *Name a character contest
    *Have Your Recipe Featured in the Series contest

    ♦Increase your chances of winning! Like on Facebook
    For a Second Opportunity to win, "Like" Teeny's creator, Michael Lee West on Facebook HERE. Please leave her a comment on Facebook letting her know you are participating in the Giveaway here at BNOTP. Don't forget to leave a second comment on THIS post so you'll double your chances of winning .

    ♦You can also enter a Third and/or Fourth time by Tweeting about this giveaway or by posting about it on your blog or sidebar. Just don't forget to leave a comment for each entry since I'll be using a random number generator to select the winner. More entries/comments = more opportunities to win.

    ♦This giveaway ends at midnight on Tuesday, July 19th.
    ♦Please Note: This giveaway is limited to residents of the U.S., Canada and the UK.

    Want to learn more about Teeny?
    Check out this romantic video...

    Teeny's Scrapbook:
    Teeny has been through a lot in her lifetime, but she shows us how to overcome it all and triumph in the end.

    Free e-Book written by Teeny:
    Teeny loves to cook! You can read and download a wonderful FREE e-book written by Teeny Templeton called Teeny Templeton's Kitchen Diary HERE .

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