New Foyer Mirror

    This post may shock and amaze some of you long time readers. 

    I am actually going to attempt to show you a purchase that I made and I have NOT transformed it in anyway.  Yes, I could have made a new Foyer Mirror and trust me when I tell you my brain was working over time thinking of a way that I could take the “way too small mirror” that previously was in the foyer and make it larger.  I had an idea or two but in the end I decided that I deserved to go on a shopping trip. 

    Actually I was scheduled to work the Taylor Swift concert last Friday, so I knew I would have some extra money coming my way.  On Wednesday of last week, I went into Charlotte on the hunt for the sole purpose to find a new foyer mirror and I found one!   It cost a bit more than I had anticipated spending but I knew from last years Taylor Swift concert I would have more than enough in my paycheck to cover it. 

    Of course you have all heard the expression, “Don’t count your chickens before they hatch.” Well, my friends,  here’s a new one, “Don’t spend your money before you make it!”  …….On the way home from my new extravagant purchase, over the radio I hear the DJ announce that the Taylor Swift concert for Atlanta and Charlotte have been post-pone due to an illness……  yes, that is my luck!  Oh I do know better but that is why I have an emergency fund.  WHAT?  you agree with me that this mirror has fallen into the emergency category. 

    Now that I know you have my back….. let’s see the mirror

        Foyer Mirror

    I found this mirror at the second HomeGood store that I visited in Charlotte.


    The previous mirror.  Come on… you gotta agree that I NEEDED a large foyer mirror? 

    Now all I need to do is transform this old mirror and find it a new home.

    Foyer Mirror Detail

    This one really demands attention when you enter the house!

    Large Foyer Mirror

    You can spy a few new projects on my to-do list in the refection.  I am currently prepping the stairway rail and newel post for restaining, restaining the console table, and the faux plant is getting ready for an update and a new home!


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