So Much for Hot Seed

    Apparently, Mr. Squirrel likes his seed on the spicy side.

    He keeps coming back for more and he brings his friends!  Can you see where he's chewed on the window feeder?  He gets mad after he's twisted it so much the seed quits coming,  Yep, he's got quite the temper.  The chewed up spots are really bad in some places. Grrrrrr...

    Don't let that cute face fool you.  You won't believe all the damage he's done to my outdoor wicker and the lights I had strung on the pergola and the deck.  When the feeders that hang from the deck are taken in at night or they aren't put back out early enough in the morning, he takes out his revenge on the outdoor wicker under the pergola.

    Max is just taking it all in stride.

    I, on the other hand, am considering plan B.   They don't call it Wild Bill's for nothing. ;)

    Disclaimer: No Squirrels were harmed in the making of this post. However, they were severely glared upon.

    See you tonight for Met Monday...

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