Where Has She Been

    Sorry for my lack of post lately.  With all the travel that my family has done recently it has left a lot of unfinished, over~do, left undone, over~grown projects.  Nothing exciting that anyone wants to see {or honest anyone wants to do} but  it was a long list of  necessary things that needed to be done in and around our home.  Also I’ll add …. with all the traveling  {6 long weekends away from home} our savings has become a little “SICK”.   And  don’t forget the new vehicle that we purchased last month that I have challenged myself to have PAID OFF by February 2010! 

    Work In Progress clip art

    The solution…..  The hubby and I challenged ourselves to sit down one night and compile a list of things that needed to be done around the house with little to NO money!    We’ve been working hard the last two weekends and have accomplished a lot!!!!!   Just a small preview of our “Low cost/no cost TO~DO” list……

    • Change oil in vehicle
    • Clean motor home inside & out
    • Fix tractor tire
    • Trim bushes & trees {front done.  back and side beds still need trimming}
    • WEED. WEED. WEED. {this never gets removed from the list}
    • Pressure wash the house
    • Pressure wash sidewalk & deck
    • Fix bathroom sink
    • List items for sale on Craigslist {Large items and Small items}


    Enough with the boring stuff….. I need a clipboard for myself and no boring mania~colored clipboard would do.





    Nothing a little scrap~paper, Mod-Podge, and vinyl can’t fix.

    Why do I need a fancy clipboard?  So you glad you asked. 

    I started the P90X fitness program! 


    See that important little word?  The one that says…. “EXTREEME”.  Well honey, let me tell you  they aren’t freakin’ kiddin!!!  I started the first three days only doing half of my ability. {you know… so I would only be a little sore} 

    Ha. Ha. Ha.

    My craftroom is on the second floor of our house.  I am telling you I  literally could not climb the stairs.  Heck, I couldn’t even type out a post.  I was THAT sore for 3 days. 

    I’m not giving up.  I’m sticking with the program.  And if a cute little clipboard is what I need to keep me motivated…well….then a cute little clipboard is what I created.   


    Be Extreme,


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