Amanda from Serenity Now is having a party for fellow bloggers to share a little bit about themselves. All bloggers are welcome to join. I hope that after you finish reading you’ll hop on over and join the party. Who doesn’t like a good party?
~How long have you been blogging?
I haven’t been blogging very long! One month and one week!
~Why did you start blogging?
My family says I never finish any projects. This blog is my journal and witness because I have a very short memory. LOL. No seriously… since having children my memory has left me. I always say, when you are speaking to a mother…you really are only speaking to half a brain… because whether her children are with her or not she is always thinking about them… hence you’re only dealing with half a mind!
~Tell me about your blog's title. Why did you choose it?
I’m always telling my kids to hurry up and stop dittle dattling. This blog is my way to pause for a moment and take time to Dittle Dattle!
~What do you blog about?
My home and craft projects. I might add some gardening as time goes on.
~What is your favorite thing about blogging?
The encouragement to finish the next project! I love to read all the beautiful comments everyone leaves.
~If you had to choose one famous person to become your blog's next devoted reader, who would you pick?
Patrick Demsey ~ who doesn’t want a little Mcdreamy following you?