Tablescaping in the Conservatory with Royal Copenhagen, Blue Flower... Welcome to the 87th Tablescape Thursday!

    Tablescape Thursday:
    I'm soooo happy to be sharing another gorgeous tablescape today with you that's coming all the way from Switzerland! Dear Cornelia graciously agreed to invite us into another one of the wonderful rooms in her beautiful home. Today we will be dining in the conservatory! I love saying that word...conservatory. I've always LOVED conservatories but I've become slightly obsessed with them since seeing Bunny William's conservatory in her book, An Affair with a House.

    If you are a little obsessed over conservatories like me, there's a great book listed under my Favorite Decorating Books widget on my sidebar. I believe it's called, Conservatories...I do remember that word is in the title. It's a great book filled with lots of pics of lovely conservatories. An Affair with a House is listed there, too. Warning: Once you see Bunny's conservatory, you will become obsessed, too! Don't say I didn't warn you. :-)

    Cornelia, thank you so much for bringing us into your home this week to see this lovely tablescape in your conservatory. Notice the stunning it not amazing??? I have a little close-up of it to share a little further down.

    Cornelia told me the table and the chairs are, Empire. I love their warmth and patina...just beautiful!

    The rug is a very old Kasak from the Caucassus.

    I adore a blue and white tablescape! Cornelia told me the china is from Royal Copenhagen, Blue Flower, curved and a few pieces of Blue Flower, plain.

    The Cutlery is silver, made by Jezler (Switzerland), the pattern is called Centenaire.

    The napkins are antique and the tablecloth is Swiss from Leinenhaus Berne. There is just something so special about monogrammed linens...absolutely love 'em!

    Soooo pretty!

    The vase is by Augarten/'s so perfect with the china. :-)

    The flowers are Lenten Roses from Cornelia's garden. Love their gorgeous color! This so has me longing for a spring garden tour.

    What a beautiful, silver serving piece! Johanna believes these are pastry tongs...gorgeous!

    Here's a close-up...

    This looks like a cranberry the patina...just beautiful!

    The candlesticks are by Royal Copenhagen.

    The teapot is silver and also made by Jezler.

    The sugar bowl is by Jezler; the pattern is called, Rose.

    Cornelia told me, "The chandelier is Dutch and antique. Please note that there is no electricity, only candles." I've never seen an antique chandelier like this that was designed for candles. I've only seen it's a delight to see the real thing!

    Cornelia, thank-you so much for inviting us into your lovely home! It is such a treat! I am forever amazed and grateful for the opportunities blogging provides. Sitting right here in the comfort of our homes, we can travel all the way to Switzerland and enjoy a beautiful tablescape in a wonderful conservatory, while surrounded by rare treasures and antiques. We are so fortunate and truly blessed!

    I'm so looking forward to viewing your beautiful tablescapes this evening!

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