See this big beautiful beast??? This is the center to my youngest son’s closet makeover.
{I’m spring cleaning the closets… let’s hope it doesn’t take me all summer to finish}
After heaving the beast from my dad’s workshop through our front door and up the stairs… it won’t fit by the door and the hallway.
No Worries. On to plan B.
I love to take step by step photos of my projects but this won’t be one of them. Most Sometimes I get carried away with projects, always sometimes underestimating the time and skill level. See I thought I’d pop on over to my dad’s workshop, have him cut the boards, and I have this thing nailed up and ready to paint in a few hours. Ha Ha. My father informed me that the shelves would not hold together with just nails alone. He did make a good point when he mentioned that the “bouncing baby boy” would probably want to climb up the shelves! {am I raising monkeys?} I swear he used 20 different tools. Every step…a new tool! In the end, this closet won’t be brought down by a 10 year old. Thanks Dad!
Till next time,