{Being Proud without being Tacky}
My boys are very talented. So talented that we have these all over the house.
There here
and here
and more here
and lets not forget here
Big ones
Small ones
Interesting ones
Yes, I’m proud of them ……but…… don’t you think it’s getting a bit tacky?
What to do with all of them?
It’s a bit over whelming…. and something needs to be done! There in the bedrooms, the garage, the attic, the foyer {I usually show-case the newest one}, and in closets and drawers!
We’ve have thinned this collection down already once before. There are hundreds {and I’m not kidding} in our attic! The boys have even stopped getting some of their trophies because there are sooooooo many! Unless the trophy really means something to them they don’t bring it home. Sad I know. I can’t part with them but there is only so much room in my house!
How do you handle your children’s ever growing-collection?
This is kind of cute…… The spell check on my phone {blackberry} always wants to change “Dittle Dattle” to “Little Cattle”. LOL Which I think if I started a family blog that would probably be the perfect title for this family! I’m always trying to herd up the cattle {I mean kids} and get them to stop with what ever their dittle dattling with. I thought it was funny… and wanted to share with everyone.
Thanks for visiting,