With eleven closets in my house, I dedicated this closet as “gift wrap central”.
This is what this closet looked like a week ago.
This closet is adjacent from the boys’ bathroom. {which is almost ready for the big reveal!}
I opened the door and found this
{which I’m totally blaming on the kids} LOL
It was time for a complete over-hall. I removed everything. Including the wire shelf. (it’s my goal to remove all wire shelving from my closets)
I’m not going to make you wait to end of this post to see the after…….. {please don’t drool. Okay maybe just a little}
Here’s how to create your own gift wrap closet:
I used 3/4 inch MDF board to cut out the shelves. Small strips of MDF {about 1 1/2 inches in width} were also cut to brace the shelves to the wall.
Attach the strips to the wall with this fabulous tool. I borrowed mine from my dad. {thank you dad}
I actually planned out where the shelves would go on the closet wall. {see all the pencil marks}
Note: The strips go just under were you want the shelf to be and start with the bottom shelf.
Lay the shelf on top of the MDF strips and nail in place. Then repeat for the number of shelves you want. Notice the two bottom shelves are larger than the two top shelves. I had the top two shelves tier in 4 inches from the shelf below it. I thought about adding modeling to the front of each shelf to cover the braces but in the end I decided not to.
Apply two coats of primer. Caulk. (TIP: Caulk sticks better to a primed boards) Two coats of paint. I’m not a big fan of blue but because this closet sits outside the boys’ bathroom and I had left over paint. Blue it is.
{The Details}
I found these bins at Wal-Mart for $1.00 each!
This tray was a Mother’s Day gift along time ago from my darling daughter.
I needed one bin to hold the upstairs cleaning supplies.
Added two dowel rods to hold spools of ribbon.
The bottom shelf is left empty for a reason. This is where I plan to keep a supply of the “unexpected needed gifts” ready and waiting to be wrapped. Sitting on the floor is two boxes of over-sized gift bags.
This is temporary storage for my wrapping paper. This is a bag that I made a few hundred years ago. I have something different in mind and I’ll post on that when I find what I’m looking for.
Have a great Easter weekend!