Productive Weekend


    Phew!!!!  You gotta love 3 day weekends! I managed to get a lot done {with the help of some loved ones}


                       AM:   SHOPPING for paint and lime green sheets!  Yah that’s right…. LIME green.  Plus I did a little extra unnecessary shopping.  Ha

                       PM:   Finished removing all the furniture out of the room, prepped the walls {filled holes, removed cob webs, and sand}.  Painted the ceiling in the bedroom and the closet. {with my oldest son and one of his friends}


                        AM:   2 coats of paint on the walls in the room and the closet. {with the hubby}

                             PM:   Built  two 20x20 picture frames and cut the last boards needed to assemble the headboards {with the hubby and my dad}


                             AM:   Painted  the trim {baseboards, windows, and doors} and the 2 20x20 picture frames.

                        PM:    Assembled one complete bed set!!! {with the hubby and three teenagers}


    I love photographs and unfortunately I don’t have any to show right now.  I guess I was to busy to pick up the camera?!?!?! 

    I do want to show you the painted bedroom, which by the way belongs to my oldest son.  It looks great!  and the Sherwin William paint was very nice to work with.  I’m impressed! 

    And of course, I going to show you the completed bed set!!! but that requires me to wash all the bedding because my son invited the dog to sleep with him….. and well…… there’s dog hair everywhere.  I saw this tote bag in the mall once that said, “NO outfit is complete without dog hair.”   That should be my home motto, “NO home is complete without dog hair” because I struggle to keep it to a minimum.


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