I wanted to show you how to create a button with an attached code at the bottom. It’s easy for you to do and easy for others to place your blog’s button on their blog.
1. Create a button. I use the combination of Photoshop or Scrapbook MAX!. at 150x150 pixels. If you want something small try 125x125, larger go with 175x175.
2. Upload and save your button to a web-site that creates codes. I use Photobucket.
3. Log into Blogger. Under Design, choose to add a gadget. Click on HTML/Javascript. In the title box, you can type something like “Grab My Button”. Now copy and paste the code below into the content box. Replace the colored information with your own personal blog information.
<center><a href="http://YOUR WEB ADDRESS/" target="_blank" title="BLOG TITLE"><img alt="BLOG TITLE" src="http://IMAGE WEB ADDRESS"/></a> <center>
<center><textarea id="code-source" rows="3" cols="13" name="code-source"><center><a href="http://YOUR WEB ADDRESS/"><img border="0" src="http://IMAGE WEB ADDRESS"/></a></center></textarea></center>
Red Information would change to: http://www.dittledattle.blogspot.com/
Green Information would change to: Dittle Dattle
Blue Information would change to: http://i1019.photobucket.com/albums/af320/oproot/Blog-Party-000-Page-1.jpg
(direct link from Photobucket)
Take caution to make sure the code copies and paste exactly. For some reason when you copy and paste a code it goes astray {at least for me it does}. Also, make sure you only have one http:// before your web address and before the image web address.
Good luck!! Please let me know if worked for you.