Giving Thanks Vignette

    I packed up the Halloween décor several days ago and put together this Thanksgiving vignette.

    Harvest Color Table Vignette

    Giving Thanks Vingette

    This creamy white vase was transformed back in spring,  the little “Happy Thanksgiving” ceramic was made by my mom,  and the candle is from Greenleaf’s Signature series.

    Greenleaf candle  

    My candle is called “Silver Spruce”.

    I didn’t light it before I took the photograph but it’s lit now and is setting beside me!  It has a wonderful crisp clean woody smell.  It’s a nice compliment to my potpourri.   You know the holiday season is upon us when there’s scents of cedar and fir in the air.

    Mini Fabric Pumpkin

    While my hubby and the boys where gone one week (and I can’t sleep) I decided to make a little mini fabric pumpkin.   I simply cut a circle out of a creamy white velvet fabric,  ran a running stitch around the edge with fishing line string,  pulled the string to create a pouch,  filled it with rice, stitched the top closed, and glued a DRIED gourd stem to the top.

    Thanksgiving Framed Art

    Yes, I revamped this frame too!  Lot’s of homemade projects setting on this little side table!!!

    I bought this frame from T J Maxx in the clearance isle.  It was a hideous mint green.  I applied a base coat of a puddy  gray color. {a mix of  Sandstone with a touch of Burnt Umber}  Next I painted the inside and outside edge with a warm gold. {a metallic gold warmed with a bit of brown glaze}  And with a dry brush, I lightly went over the detail in the center of the frame. 

    Next I Kristenized it!

    ha ha

    If you ever seen Kristen’s beautiful frames, then you know what I’m talking about. (You can find a link to her blog in my blog roll to the right)

    I found these cute little scrapbook stickers at Wal-Mart. (Not my Wal-Mart because they don’t carry anything this cute.  Have I ever mentioned how much I hate my tiny little wally world) 


    {Holiday Potpourri Box}


       This is how beautiful it comes packaged!  And the let me tell you,  this potpourri will fill the room with seasonal scents of warm vanilla, sweet pumpkin, and sprinkling of  spicy clove and ginger.  


    Greenleaf Gathering's Potpourri

    I simply poured the contents into a hand-turned wooden bowl made by my dad and used the very same ribbon that come with the potpourri to wrap it up! 

    Wouldn’t this make a lovely hostess gift?

    What I love about this potpourri is it’s not like many of the other potpourri’s I’ve tried in the past.   With the others, after the first day, you have to fluff the contents in order to revive the fragrance.   With Greenleaf Gathering’s Scent Potpourri,  I’ve had it out for a few days and it’s as lovely as day one!

    Thanksgiving Table Vingette

    One last thing,  The mirror frame was made by my dad too! 

    No, you can’t have him or barrow him.  Between me and my mother, we keep him pretty busy.  LOL 

    And when I’m not keeping him busy, I have to fight off  others (you know who you are)  from getting their hands on all of his creations.  Don’t they know that I get first dibs?!?!?  Just Kidding

    I asked him to make a frame that would match a lamp that I had in my guest room.

    I have a few other planned projects for this table.



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