Wood Expressions Giveaway Winner

    We have a winner!!!

    But first…. thank you to everyone who entered and left a comment!



    Ashley Brandes

    Ashley said, “Love the Wooden Water Oak Vase Hand Turned”.


    Thank you Wood Expressions for creating such a great giveaway!!  We came so close to 100 comments!

    Please keep Wood Expressions in mind for this holiday season.




HomeGoods Mom Cave Linky Party...Welcome!

    Please Read: Today's Metamorphosis Monday is for HomeGoods Mom Cave Links Only. This is only for today's Met Monday. We'll return to our normal Met Monday postings next week. Please only link up Mom Cave entries for this Met Monday. If you need more info about today's linky party, click HERE. (If you notice your link was deleted, please don't take it personally. I will have to delete all links that are not Mom Cave Entries.)

    IT'S HERE!
    Today is the day of our Mom Cave Linky Party. Link up your Mom Cave Posts below. There will be 4 winners! The grand prize will be $250 Gift Certificate to HomeGoods! Wow! There will be 3 runner-ups who will each win a $50 Gift Certificate! Have fun and best of luck to everyone!

    Please Read: Today's Linky Party is for HomeGoods Mom Cave Links Only. This is only for today's Met Monday. We'll return to our normal Met Monday postings next week. Please only link up Mom Cave entries for this Met Monday. If you need more info about today's linky party, click HERE.

Meet The Judges for our Mom Cave Challenge!

    Reminder: The November 1st, Metamorphosis Monday will be replaced with the HomeGoods Mom Cave Contest. This will only effect our November 1st, Met Monday. After that, we'll return to our normal Met Monday postings. Please only link up Mom Cave entries for Monday, November 1st.

    It's almost here! Our Mom Cave Linky Party starts this evening. It will replace our normal Metamorphosis Monday party! You'll find all the details on how to participate posted at the bottom of this post.

    Our Three Esteemed Judges:
    I'm so excited to announce the names of our fabulous Judges for the Mom Cave Challenge.

    Maree, Blogger and author of: Tales from an OC Cottage
    Maree, who blogs at Tales from an OC Cottage, is an amazingly creative and talented crafter/artist. Several of her beautiful creations have been featured in the magazine, Somerset Life. She keeps her readers laughing with her delightful humor and fun posts. Check out her blog and you'll be hooked, as I was!

    Linda Merrill
    Linda Merrill , a wonderfully talented Interior Designer, is a sought after writer and voice in the field of interior design. She blogs at ::Surroundings:: where she offers unique views on wide ranging aspects of the built environment from architecture, photographic tours, product reviews, design inspirations, special events and even movie set decor. Linda is also, the producer and moderator of the popular podcast, The Skirted Roundtable. This week they are interviewing architect and interior designer, David Easton so check it out!

    Mark Ballard:
    Mark Ballard is an artist, designer, decorator, speaker, author, columnist, chef, television personality and has been described as "a true Renaissance man with a Southern flair!" Mark is the author of several books, including some wonderful, must-have cookbooks. His latest book, Creative Thinking, has just been released in time for the holidays. You'll find it available at MarkBallard.com. Mark is featured weekly in The Macon Telegraph and at Macon.com.

    A HUGE thank-you to our three Judges...I don't envy the job they have ahead of them since I know how talented you all are!

    Mom Cave Challenge: Win $250 to HomeGoods

    Do you have a special place in your home that you go to get away from it all? A place where you can relax and read, watch tv or just chill out and do what you most enjoy? If not, do you wish you did? Would a $250 Gift Certificate to HomeGoods help? You bet it would! :)

    Mom Cave HomeGoods Contest: Win $250 to spend however you wish at HomeGoods!
    I'm excited to announce a wonderful Give-a-Way Contest sponsored by HomeGoods and hosted right here at Between Naps on the Porch. There will be four winners!

    The winner will win the grand prize of $250 worth of Gift Certificates to HomeGoods! There will be 3 runner-ups who will each win a $50 Gift Certificate!

    How to Enter: Monday, November 1st:
    1. Between now and Monday, November 1st, take pics of the area in your home...be it a little corner or a whole room that is your Mom Cave...the place you go to unwind and recharge at the end of the day. Give us lots of pics...especially close-ups...you know we love the close-ups.

    2. If you like you can visit HomeGoods online and copy and paste some pics of the goodies you'd choose to beef up your Mom Cave if you should win. Or just name a few things you'd love to add to your Mom Cave.

    3. Create a post about your Mom Cave and what you would love to add to it if you should win the $250 gift certificate from Home Goods. Then stop by for our special Met Monday Mom Cave Contest/Party on November 1st and link up your Mom Cave post to be entered.

    What's that...you don't have a Mom cave? No problem! You can still join in the fun and enter the contest. Just take a few pics of the room or area in your home that you'd like to make into a Mom cave. Then visit HomeGoods online and copy and paste pics to your post of some of the items you find that you just might include in a Mom cave if you win. Then tell us why you really should win...why do you need a Mom Cave?

    Know someone who really needs a Mom Cave...even more than you do?
    If you know someone who needs a Mom Cave even more than you do, visit their home, take some pics of the room where you would help them create their Mom Cave and create a post explaining why they really need to win the Mom Cave contest. Again, please share the treasures you'd buy from HomeGoods online to outfit their Mom Cave.

    Don't forget to stop back by late Sunday evening (October 31st) or on Monday, November 1st and link up your fabulous posts for the Mom Cave Challenge! You can watch a video to learn about how to create your own Mom Cave, HERE.

    See you this evening by 9:00 PM for our Mom Cave Challenge!

Happy Halloween!

    The gas lantern is lit...

    Sharing some pics from last year...

    Have a fun Halloween!

Saturday Morning News

    I don’t usually write on the weekends. 

    Weekends are time for my family and a time for me to get all the things done that didn’t get done during the week before the next week begins!!!!

    I just had to share with you this most delicious recipe that I found over at  The Idea Room.


    Cinnamon Swirl Pancakes


    {via The Idea Room}

    Is that insane? 

    I call it Insanely Good!!!!

    Treat your little goblins this weekend.

    I have personally made “Cinnamon Swirl Pancakes” twice for my kiddos (and who or we kidding? and for myself).  

    Just one note.  I’m not sure if it’s just me or not but I had to alter the recipe a bit.  I add 2 1/2 cups of flour instead of the 1 cup of flour that the recipe calls for.  I placed the cinnamon swirl mixture into a ketchup squirt bottle that I purchased at the dollar store.  I had quite a bit of cinnamon and brown sugar ooey gooey goodness leftover that I refrigerated and used it again on the next batch.



    And a totally different subject…


    I entered “The Pottery Barn Inspired Bed Set” that my father and I made into the DIY Club Gorilla Glue Contest.

    And we WON!

    Now I get to do more projects.  A lot more projects!

    Thank you everyone at the DIY Club and Gorilla Glue.



Boo and Brew...Does Your Neighborhood Do This?

    Give-a-Way: Timeless Settings:
    There's still time to leave a comment on last week's Tablescape Thursday post HERE to be entered for a $50 Gift Certificate for Timeless Settings! I'll be announcing the winner of the drawing on Sunday. :)

    Boo and Brew:
    A few days ago I found this flyer in my mailbox. It was almost completely illegible. Unfortunately, the mailman left the door of my mailbox slightly open and we had a monsoon that day. I could tell it was announcing something in my neighborhood for Halloween night...and it mentions leaving your porch light on.

    I e-mailed a neighbor and ask if she got one and if so, what did it say? She told me the flyer says in addition to giving out candy on Halloween night, if you leave your porch light on, it will signal to the parents that you will be serving them a brew...i.e. an "adult beverage" when they stop by with the children for Trick or Treating. Interesting, huh?

    So...just wondering, has your neighborhood ever done this and if so, how does it work? Do you serve wine or a spiked punch, perhaps? Do you have it already poured in little plastic glasses or do the parents already have a glass with them?

    So many questions...and no answers from a very blurry flyer. :}

    Less Messy Nest Party at Nesters:
    Nester is having a Less Messy Nest, Linky Party today. It's ok to link a past post so I've linked my China Closet Renovation Post. Join in the party and share your tips for a less messy nest! :)

Wood Worker’s Workshop

    I dare you to say that three times fast :D

    I cleared my calendar on Friday so I could spend the day with my parents and my youngest son at the wood workshop in Hickory, NC.   (Incase anyone lives in the area, the workshop is FREE and will be going on all day Saturday.)

    There was a lot to see, a lot to buy (just ask my father), and a lot to learn. 


    This guy was making a wooden hat!


    How cool is this?  A style for everyone ;P


    My son and I sat an watched this gentleman carve a pumpkin.


    He made it look so easy using only 3 tools.




    Now it was our turn.


    My son and I signed up to try our hands at tuning our own piece of wood.   Again totally free!!!


    We started with a rectangle piece of wood and shaped it to a cylinder.



    Here I’m shaping my piece of wood into a object. 

    Any guesses on what I’m making?






    Hand turned Honey Dipper

    A honey dipper.

    It was my whole reason for going!  Just joking.

    Have a safe Halloween weekend,



Antiquing and a Trip to the South Carolina State Fair

    So many wonderful tablescapes posted for Tablescape Thursday! Scroll on down past this post and check them all out...amazing!

    Two Announcements!

    1. Party Planning: Very soon...hopefully next week, I'm going to share the EXACT process I go through when I'm planning a party...from the cleaning to the decorating to the food to the party activities...you name it! I know it's intimidating...the idea of preparing for a big party, so I want to help. I'll be sharing what works for me in hopes you will find it helpful. I will be as detailed and specific as possible...without hopefully boring ya to death. LOL

    2. Mom Cave Posts only for Met Monday: Monday is the HomeGoods Mom Cave Challenge. So if you are a blogger and you normally link up for MM, please link up JUST Mom Cave entries for this Met Monday only. After this MM, we will resume our normal Met Monday format.

    There will be 4 winners and the grand prize is $250 shopping spree at HomeGoods! Click HERE or on the link in the sidebar to read all about the Mom Cave concept.

    Let's Go Antiquing:
    It's been a while since we went on a shopping trip to A Classy Flea. Several of you have commented or e-mailed asking when we were going. So, let's go! BTW, rumor has it they will be having a big sale coming up very soon...shhh, don't tell anyone or all the good stuff will be gone before I get there!

    First thing I spotted when I entered A Classy Flea this particular day was this painted secretary...I can never pass by a secretary without checking them out...$495

    I loved this wonderful old brass and iron bed. It was already sold so no price tag...

    Ha! Fat Chance...I'm telling all!

    Now you know these bowls were calling my name...I barely resisted. $19.99 for the set of 4

    A vintage baby gown from England...$35

    A little close-up of the detail work...

    Christmas stuff is already out...this 5ft gold tinsel tree caught my eye...$39

    Love this brass lamp with the Cranberry glass globe...$45

    I blogged about this piece earlier in the week. It's priced at $395. I've decided it would probably fight the cabinet niches for attention in the "library" where I would have used it...so I'm going to have my contractor build a fireplace for me...I think.

    Set of 8 etched crystal wine glasses...$64.95

    A little close-up...beautiful!

    Crystal chandelier...$359

    Wonderful twin beds...$288 for the pair (I think)...don't hold me to that price...going on memory. I don't normally paint furniture but the stain was a bit chipped in places. Wouldn't these be perfect in a guest room, painted some wonderful color?

    Painted hutch...on sale for $329 I kind of like the two-tone action going on here...mixing stain and paint.

    Gorgeous armoire...Henredon...$899



    White wicker daybed...$159

    Some Christmas fun...

    A pretty tablescape...

    Look who's sipping on some bubbly...

    Have you seen these before? It's a tussy mussy. I actually bought this one...it was around $9, as I recall.

    South Carolina State Fair:

    Two weekends ago, a friend invited me to go to the South Carolina State Fair...these guys were there performing. Do you recognize them?

    They look a little different now...but they sounded the same. It's the The Oak Ridge Boys. I listen to all kinds of music as you can tell from the link to my playlist at the bottom of this blog. I love rock and roll, classical, opera, gospel, country...all of it. So it was fun hearing, "Elvira," "Trying to Love Two Women" and their other hit songs. They sang for about an hour. We had great seats as you can see from the pic below. Amazing that they have stayed together for 40+ years!

    This pic shows Willie Wynn on the far left. He was the original tenor...even before the current one who has been with them forever. He came out on the stage and sang one song with them.


    This was created with SAND! Wow!

    There were so many beautiful birds...we only took a pic of one. The roosters were hilarious. I hadn't been to the fair in ages so I was like a kid!

    Amazing doll houses...

    Cupcakes: Too cute

    Hope you enjoyed our shopping trip and quick trip to the fair! Happy Friday!

    Give-a-Way: Timeless Settings:
    Oh, don't forget to leave a comment on the Tablescape Thursday post to be entered for a $50 Gift Certificate for Timeless Settings!

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