A Tablescape Celebrating Autumn! Welcome to the 114th Tablescape Thursday!

    Give-a-Way from Timeless Settings:

    I'm sooo excited to announce a fabulous Give-a-Way today from Timeless Settings, a Sponsor of BNOTP!

    Have you visited Timeless Settings before? I have been seriously coveting the darling tablecloths and glassware Donna has hand selected to include in her shoppe. In addition to beautiful treasures for the table, you'll also find jewelry, scarves and lots of wonderful decor items for your home. The prices are awesome which makes Timeless Settings a great place to do all your holiday shopping.

    I fell in love with this darling strawberry tablecloth and matching napkins...

    And check out this Gooseberry tablecloth...isn't it the cutest thing!

    Timeless Settings has beautiful glass containers...

    Napkin rings...

    Fleur de Lis Placecard Holders...

    Gorgeous scarves...

    And wonderful decor items for the home...

    Bird Clock...

    How to Enter:

    Donna is generously giving away a $50 certificate for you to use toward any item you fall in love with at Timeless Settings. Entering this giveaway is super easy...here's how:

    1. Visit Timeless Settings and choose the beautiful treasure you would love if you should win.

    2. Then, just stop back by this post and leave a comment sharing what you chose. That's it!

    Donna, thanks so much for this great giveaway...best of luck to everyone!

    Tablescape Thursday:

    Little Reminder: Thank-you for linking back to this post so the regular visitors to your blog will find all your fellow Blogger's posts linked here for this Tablescape Thursday. Don't forget to use your permalink. : )

    I've been working on a tablescape this week out on the porch...the weather here has been in the 70's all week! Love it! But, the last few days have been raining...not great for taking pics to share. Fortunately, Cornelia recently sent some great pics of a wonderful tablescape she's created in celebration of the autumn season. :)

    It's always such a treat when Cornelia welcomes us into her beautiful home in Switzerland. Isn't blogging just amazing...we can travel far away to another country with just the click of a mouse! :)

    Today we are dining at a table set with beautiful hunt- themed china. Cornelia told me, "It is very traditional in Switzerland to serve venison dishes in the autumn because the hunting season starts the 1st of September."

    For this beautiful table setting, Cornelia used a wonderful linen tablecloth she found on a trip to Williams-Sonoma in Boston. The tablecloth was made in Russia, as were the the napkins..

    Here's your place right here...

    Cornelia shared, "The china used on this table is by Fuerstenberg (founded 1747). The Pattern is called Schloss Corvey Jagd. (Castle Corvey Hunting). There are various hunting scenes on the dishes and the pot, cups, and coffeepot."

    The cutlery is Sterling Silver, Gorham Chantilly

    The stemware is stunning...

    Cornelia revealed, "The smaller crystal glasses are made by Christinenhütte/Germany. They are also hand-blown."

    These glasses are antique and are decorated in silver...

    Cornelia continued, "The red and white wine glasses are hand-blown and hand-cut crystal by Cristal d’Arques/ Paris. The pattern is called, “Bernadette”.

    The candle holders are by Zwiesel. The grapes from our garden."

    The crystal carafe is antique and hand-cut...

    Note the beautiful etching of a deer...

    Regarding the candle holders, Cornelia said, "The tall candlestick holders are Mexican silver, the small ones are made by Jezler of Switzerland."

    Would you like some hot tea or coffee?

    Cornelia told me, "The tea set is Swiss silver, made by Frère Boujon. The tray is also silver and made by Jezler/Switzerland."

    "The tablecloth is antique."

    "The vase is Swedish, Strombergshyttan. The roses from my garden."

    Cornelia, this tablescape was absolutely beautiful...always such a wonderful treat seeing china, crystal and silver we would rarely ever come across here in the States. Thanks sooo much for sharing your autumn table setting with all of us for this Tablescape Thursday!

    Oh, don't forget to leave a comment to be entered for the a gift certificate for Timeless Settings!

    Looking forward to viewing your beautiful tablescapes!

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    If you are participating in Tablescape Thursday, please be sure to add your permalink below, and not your general blog address. To get your permalink, click on your post name. Then just copy and paste the address that shows up in the address bar at the top, into the "url" box for the picture linky. You'll also need to put your e-mail address in, but don't worry, it will not be visible to anyone.

    You may see a red X once you enter your link. No one else can see the red X, it's just there in case you make a little mistake and need to delete your link and re-enter it.

    I'd love for you to use the Tablescape Thursday logo button in your post. To do that, just copy and paste it to your computer and upload it to your post as you would any photo. Or, just grab the html code posted on the sidebar under the TT button.

    Please, link back to the host blog, Between Naps on the Porch. This is important because it helps those who are visiting your blog, find the other wonderful tablescapes posted for this Tablescape Thursday, thus increasing visits for all participants.

    Please, do not add your link below, until your tablescape post is actually published to your blog.

    Please, don't add your post name/blog name in ALL CAPS...it tends to create big spaces between the rows of links. Thanks!

    Let's try something fun today! Please visit the person who linked before you and after you...that way everyone will get some visits. Hope you'll visit more, of course. :-)

    Little Reminder: Thank-you for linking back to this post so the regular visitors to your blog will find all your fellow Blogger's posts linked here for this Tablescape Thursday. Please don't forget to use your permalink. : )

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