Saturday Morning News

    I don’t usually write on the weekends. 

    Weekends are time for my family and a time for me to get all the things done that didn’t get done during the week before the next week begins!!!!

    I just had to share with you this most delicious recipe that I found over at  The Idea Room.


    Cinnamon Swirl Pancakes


    {via The Idea Room}

    Is that insane? 

    I call it Insanely Good!!!!

    Treat your little goblins this weekend.

    I have personally made “Cinnamon Swirl Pancakes” twice for my kiddos (and who or we kidding? and for myself).  

    Just one note.  I’m not sure if it’s just me or not but I had to alter the recipe a bit.  I add 2 1/2 cups of flour instead of the 1 cup of flour that the recipe calls for.  I placed the cinnamon swirl mixture into a ketchup squirt bottle that I purchased at the dollar store.  I had quite a bit of cinnamon and brown sugar ooey gooey goodness leftover that I refrigerated and used it again on the next batch.



    And a totally different subject…


    I entered “The Pottery Barn Inspired Bed Set” that my father and I made into the DIY Club Gorilla Glue Contest.

    And we WON!

    Now I get to do more projects.  A lot more projects!

    Thank you everyone at the DIY Club and Gorilla Glue.



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