Wood Worker’s Workshop

    I dare you to say that three times fast :D

    I cleared my calendar on Friday so I could spend the day with my parents and my youngest son at the wood workshop in Hickory, NC.   (Incase anyone lives in the area, the workshop is FREE and will be going on all day Saturday.)

    There was a lot to see, a lot to buy (just ask my father), and a lot to learn. 


    This guy was making a wooden hat!


    How cool is this?  A style for everyone ;P


    My son and I sat an watched this gentleman carve a pumpkin.


    He made it look so easy using only 3 tools.




    Now it was our turn.


    My son and I signed up to try our hands at tuning our own piece of wood.   Again totally free!!!


    We started with a rectangle piece of wood and shaped it to a cylinder.



    Here I’m shaping my piece of wood into a object. 

    Any guesses on what I’m making?






    Hand turned Honey Dipper

    A honey dipper.

    It was my whole reason for going!  Just joking.

    Have a safe Halloween weekend,



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