Pottery Barn Home Office Update: Sharing Some Fun Stuff

    Several folks have e-mailed or left comments asking how the office is coming along. (If you're new to reading BNOTP, check out THIS post and THIS post for some background info.) The weather has certainly slowed my progress down a bit. I have a small amount of sanding left to do and I haven't been able to complete that since it turned cold.

    Max, my four-footed furry shadow, won't stay out of the room while I'm sanding and I just can't put him on the porch while it's cold and wet outside. If I leave him inside, he cries at the door to the room and pushes his way in. So, soon as the weather turns warmer and the rain stops, I'll finish sanding. I'll be able to open the windows in the room while I prime the walls with an oil based primer then, as well.

    In the meantime, I have some purdy stuff to show you. "Purdy" is always more fun than sanding and priming anyway. :)

    Years ago I bought this shelf at Tuesday Morning. Over the years I have moved it from room to room, trying to find a good spot to hang it. It almost ended up in this room, the Guest room. I love the arches and its partial Chippendale design.

    I figured it would end up in my son's old bath once I renovate it some day. Now, I'm kind of eyeing it for the office. It could end up in there, just not sure.

    You probably remember this piece from THIS earlier post. I found it in a Ballard Designs outlet. I don't think it's available for purchase anymore. I haven't been able to find it on their online site.

    It's a camouflaged bulletin board...cool, huh? The frame may get painted a bright color before I place it on the wall in the office...just not sure, yet. I thought it might be fun when it's closed, if it were a bright color. We will see...the jury is still out on that idea.

    Here's one more piece I've purchased for the office, a wrapping paper organizer. I loaded her up with some Christmas paper I already had to just see how she'll look.

    Those are gift bags (on the left) turned on their side. I'll most likely replace the bottom roll of paper with a gazillion rolls of ribbon. :) You can order one of these from Pottery Barn online. I briefly considered making one. There are some great tutorials online. But I just love the sturdiness and design of this piece and really wanted the color to match the antique white of the Pottery Barn office furniture I've purchased. I'm obsessive picky that way. ;)
    (Update: Apparently, they are no longer available. I must have ordered mine just in the nick of time...I've only had it around a month.)

    So, that's the fun stuff that will eventually end up on the walls of the office...as soon as I can finish the final sanding and can throw open the windows to prime and paint the walls. :)

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