Shop Vintage and Save $$$, Part II

    While we continue enjoying all the great tablescapes posted for yesterday's Tablescape Thursday, come along for the rest of a recent outing to A Classy Flea.

    An Empire secretary from the early 1800's: $1,200

    A cute cottage server: $149. This would make a great sofa desk or a hall table, wouldn't it?

    Old Wicker Chair: $25. I can never resist vintage wicker.

    Antique Mantel: $395

    I loved these...Bon Bon Button Magnets for $6.50 each. They are fat, round magnets with little pieces of costume jewelry glued on top. They do resemble lovely little bon bons. What a cute idea! This would be super easy to copy.

    Garden Arbor: The tag said it was no price available. I love the shape of this piece. Can't you just see a beautiful climbing rose growing up and over all those little criss-cross sections on the sides?

    Crystal Chandelier: $479. This fixture has been here a while...which is surprising since it really is beautiful.

    Hand-painted Victorian Chest with mirror and glove boxes: $299. I never knew those little side sections were called glove boxes, did you?

    Wrought Iron Chairs: $89 each. These are sharp the design of the backs.

    Vintage lighting: $99

    A little closer view...

    Beautiful Inlaid Server: $499

    So, that's the end of our Classy Flea shopping trip for this time. What would you have been unable to leave behind?

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