And the Award Goes to……

    It’s been a long week so far and I have a crazy weekend ahead of me.  For Saturday and Sunday ~ a baby shower, a wedding, swim practice, shopping for a dress {to wear to the wedding…nothing like waiting to the last minute}, and I need to drive to Charlotte {50 minute drive} to fill out paperwork for job #4.  Whewww!!!   Monday can’t come soon enough.

    But today I’m having a good day!  I have been awarded not one but two awards.  Yeah! 

    I’d like to thank Amy from Positively Splendid for the “Sunshine Award”

    Sunshine Award

    And now to thank

    Jan over at The Simpler Life  for the “Trendy Blog Award”


    I’m truly thankful that you have all enjoyed this lil’ blog.  It’s my goal to bring you some inspiration when life gives you time …….to dittle dattle. 



    Now, I want  to pass the torch and award some other fabulous blogging ladies.

    {Here’s how the award works}

    • To receive this award {Trendy Treehouse} you have to promise to share this with 10 other BLOGS that you think are Trendy too.
    • Post about your award in your blog.
    • List your Top 10 Trendy Blogs. 
    • Share with them. 
    • Leave a link to the Trendy Blog Button. 
    • Tell them they need to give this award out to 10 as well.

    Here are the fabulous blogs I’ve chosen.  Please visit each of these wonderful blogs and  CONGRATULATE them! 

    1. Amy & Jeni ~ PEPPERtowne
    2. Debbie ~ Debbiedoos

    Thank you to each of you for all your hard work and inspiration.  Please wear your button with pride.

    Warmest regards,


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