In Search Of



    I had plans to make curtains for my youngest son’s bedroom.  But after looking at fabric… or better yet the PRICES of fabric… I knew I could buy ready made curtains a lot cheaper.

    Really ~ after adding up the cost of fabric, grommets, AND my time ….. store bought curtains were looking better and better :D  It didn’t take me long to find the base of what I wanted to sew for a fraction of the cost.  Now all I need to do is customize them to my liking to my son’s liking.

    Here’s what I picked up at the store:


    My plan is to customize these curtains with ribbon.  Here’s the problem….

    I can’t find ribbon by the yard.  Okay I have found ribbon by the yard at a few places {one super Wal-mart, Hancock, and Hobby Lobby)  but no one has a really good selection. 

    Anyone know of a place that they could suggest?   a store in Charlotte, NC or Columbia, SC?  (I live equal distance to both)


    There always is a little store called Mary Jo’s (about 45 minutes away).  Maybe ya heard of it?   This store is huge!  If you can’t find it there you can’t find it anywhere!!!  For a little eye candy, click on the “Virtual Tour

    I try to stay away for obvious reasons!   Ohhhhh to try and stay calm and focused.  See… I already lost focus on what this post was about! ;)

    Your Friend,



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